

CD on
Artist: Blondie
Released: 1980, November
Average rating: Based on DM and site visitor ratings
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Average song rating Europa (Stein) - 3:31 Lyrics
  Live It up (Stein) - 4:09 Lyrics
  Here's Looking at You (Harry/Stein) - 2:58 Lyrics
  The Tide is High (John Holt) - 4:39 Lyrics
  Angels on the Balcony (Laura Davis/Destri) - 3:47 Lyrics
  Go Through It (Harry/Stein) - 2:40 Lyrics
  Do the Dark (Destri) - 3:51 Lyrics
  Rapture (Stein/Harry) - 6:30 Lyrics
  Faces (Harry)- 3:51 Lyrics
  10  T-Birds (Harrison/Harry) - 3:56 Lyrics
  11  Walk the Line (Destri) - 3:44 Lyrics
  12  Follow Me (Lerner/Lowe) - 3:01 Lyrics
All album lyrics on one page 


Deborah Harry - lead vocal
Clem Burke - drums
Jimmy Destri - electric keyboards
Nigel Harrison - bass
Frank Infante - guitar
Chris Stein - guitar, tympani

Wa Wa Watson - guitar on "Live It up"
Howard Kaylan, Mark Volman - vocals on "T-Birds"
Tom Scott - saxophone on "Rapture" and "Faces", lyricon on "Do the Dark"
Ollie Brown, Emil Richards, Alex Acuna - percussion on "The Tide is High"
Steve Goldstein - piano on "Faces", synthesizer on "Follow Me"
B-Girls - background vocals on "Live It up"
Jimmy Haskell - string and horn arrangements on "Here's Looking at You", "The Tide is High", "Europa" and "Go Through It"
Ray Brown - bass on "Faces"
Scott Lesser - percussion on "Live It up"


Site visitor reviews
5/10 p kodis (July 15, 2004)
That funny feeling that you have never been here...
A classic line from Tom Baker and Leela on Dr Who But at the
time it was the TV show to watch.
As we Moved along With Eat to the Beat When Auto American came
out Blondie moved into Rap and Pop...This Album caught me off
guard and at the time I didnt like it but the change hit me
hard too...Gone was the Head banging Blondie and here was
another cutting edge theme. Years later You can see the
change and Like it at that time it was hard to change gears.
Besides Rapture and The tide High Which are Blondie Classics
There are songs that go back to older blondie Themes like T-birds and Go Through it...
Not a First choice Pick but its not the first 4 albums either..
This Album Made Alot of Fans though .The Pop and Rap theme
was New in early 80s and many joined the Blondie Fan base.


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