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Big GeneratorAbout
CreditsJon Anderson - Vocals Reviews
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Sorry, I can't even begin to agree with the 2 star rating given this album. It could be because I saw YES in concert during the Big Generator tour and they(especially trevor Rabin) were absolutely Fantastic. It also could be because this is a Terrific album with TONS of innovation and talent pouring forth. No, it isnt a heavy metal masterpiece by any means not even close and yes it is laid back at times with more harmony than rocking guitar however thats the beauty of it. Again YES came forward with an album ahead of its time by light years(as usual)... it was well recieved at the time, however not completely understood. I dare anyone to play this album today(2004) and point out where it sounds dated, it cant be done. In other words this album does not sound anywhere near 20 years old, yet it is very close to being so. This was and is progressive rock for "adults" it was never intended to be a heavy metal masterpiece nor was it intended to sound like everything else out there. In fact YES was obviously experimenting with a new approach to the old formula of rock n roll. Big Generator sounded like nothing else before it and is unique in every sense of the word thats what makes this such a wonderful album! When the guitar does comes forth its done in highly skilled melodic and rythmic portions with a touch of genius(Trevor Rabin is an unsung guitar hero) the drums are accentuated yet simple bringing an almost hypnotic element to the album, the vocals are clean, clear, and crisp the bass is excellent and fluent. These are rock musicians displaying the musical prowress and talent of renowned Jazz artists! In other words YES knows how to play the instruments they hold with "tremendous" skill. This album was done extremely well, performed, produced and engineered to a T. If you enjoy progressive rock and have matured beyond the ear splitting guitar phase into the talented artist phase then 'Big Generator' is a must have for your collection. It is one of their very best.
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