Children of the Sun


Children of the Sun
CD on
Artist: Billy Thorpe
Released: 1979, May
Average rating: Based on DM and site visitor ratings
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Average song rating Wrapped in the Chains (Thorpe) - 3:28  
  Dream Maker (Thorpe) - 3:38 Lyrics
  Simple Life (Thorpe) - 5:30 Lyrics
  Goddess of the Night (Proffer, Thorpe) - 4:11 Lyrics
  Children of the Sun (Proffer, Thorpe) - 6:28 Lyrics
  We're Leaving (Thorpe) - 3:44  
  We Welcome You (Thorpe) - 4:36  
  Solar Anthem (Thorpe) - 0:50  
  The Beginning (Thorpe) - 4:03  
Album preview
All album lyrics on one page 


Billy Thorpe - Guitar, Vocals, Producer, Engineer
Spencer Proffer - Producer
Alvin "Red" Taylor - Drums
Leland Sklar - Bass
Lawrence Brown - Engineer


Site visitor reviews
10/10 Greg (November 29, 2011)
Just picked up the vinyl cots at a flea market for five bucks.Mint! I remember listening to this when it was first released. Not a lot of air play I guess because of the length of the songs. Didn;t fit into their 3 to 4 minute format. The whole album from the beginning to the end is great and the only way to truly appreciate it. Too bad he never followed it up with something similar and went commercial on us! :(
10/10 Damaged (July 22, 2010)
Truly sad that you can't get the original anymore in America because there was terrific music on side 1. But to download revisited for 8 bucks did not break my heart. As a teenager of rock appreciation age in '79, I listened to side two so often with the headphones on, I had to buy a second copy for the 8 track. When that got eaten, as they so often did, I bought the cassette. Like I said, just great to have the conceptual part of it again.
10/10 Bill (Indy) (March 29, 2008)
I remember when this was released, from the first "sound" of COTS coming across the radio we would run to the volume wheel and crank it. COTS is probably one of the last great Prog Rock concepts of the era. A masterful space opera that, sadly, was never recognized as well as it should have been. EVERYthing about COTS, music, lyrics, production.... was amazing and I only wish that Thorpe would have continued the art form rather than go for that cheesy 80's sound of later years.
9/10 Mikki (March 4, 2005)
I didn't used to be a Billy Thorpe fan, but this album has changed my mind. This was his first release in the US in 1979. It is so cutting edge for that era, especially coming from a guy who was in the Australian equivalent of the Beach Boys.
Tough and edgy and very good to sing to loud in your car!

If you know this album you can review it.

Other releases of the year
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