

CD on Amazon.com
Artist: Yes
Released: 1980, 18 August
Average rating: Based on DM and site visitor ratings
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  Machine Messiah (Downes/Horn/Howe/Squire/White) - 10:27 Lyrics
  White Car (Downes/Horn/Howe/Squire/White) - 1:21 Lyrics
  Does It Really Happen? (Downes/Horn/Howe/Squire/White) - 6:34 Lyrics
  Into the Lens (Downes/Horn/Howe/Squire/White) - 8:31 Lyrics
  Run Through the Light (Downes/Horn/Howe/Squire/White) - 4:39 Lyrics
  Tempus Fugit (Downes/Horn/Howe/Squire/White) - 5:14 Lyrics
All album lyrics on one page 


Steve Howe - Guitar, Vocals
Chris Squire - Bass, Piano, Vocals
Yes - Arranger, Producer
Roger Dean - Artwork, Illustrations
Alan White - Percussion, Drums, Vocals
George Chambers - Tape Operator
Geoffrey Downes - Keyboards, Vocoder
Trevor Horn - Bass, Vocals
Ashley Howe, Gary Langan, Julian Mendelsohn, Hugh Padgham, Pete Schwier - Engineers
Eddie Offord - Producer
Sean Davis - Disc Cutting
Design Magnetic Storm - Design
Magnetic Storm Ltd - Design
David Clarke - Photography


Site visitor reviews
7/10 Bill (September 14, 2005)
This is actually a good album. I say that with somewhat surprise because it's the only Yes album without Jon Anderson. Some would say that it wouldn't be yes without him and, well maybe they're right but the musical sound is unmistakable. Trevor Horn is the main vocalist and I believe that he was chosen because of a simmilarity to Anderson's voice. Simmilar is as close as it gets and that usually doesn't work very well. In this case however it did. Diehard Anderson fans who will accept no substitute won't like this album, but if your open to different possibilities you'll enjoy it. The songs are well crafted and beckon to an earlier period (Fragile, Tales?). Sqire, Howe and White ensure that not all is foriegn to familiar listeners. Downs on keyboards is not Wakeman or Moraz but he doesn't disappoint either. So think of it as a group with an incredible resemblance Yes, and you'll enjoy it.

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