Hair of the Dog


Hair of the Dog
CD on
Artist: Nazareth
Released: 1975, April
Labels: A&M
Average rating: Based on DM and site visitor ratings
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Average song rating Hair of the Dog (Agnew, Charlton, McCafferty, Sweet) - 4:10 Lyrics
Average song rating Miss Misery (Agnew, Charlton, McCafferty, Sweet) - 4:41 Lyrics
Average song rating Love Hurts (Bryant) - 3:52 Lyrics
Average song rating Changin' Times (Agnew, Charlton, McCafferty, Sweet) - 6:03 Lyrics
Average song rating Beggars Day (Lofgren) - 3:45 Lyrics
Average song rating Rose in the Heather (Agnew, Charlton, McCafferty, Sweet) - 2:45  
Average song rating Whiskey Drinkin' Woman (Agnew, Charlton, McCafferty, Sweet) - 5:30 Lyrics
  Please Don't Judas Me (Agnew, Charlton, McCafferty, Sweet) - 9:50 Lyrics
All album lyrics on one page 


Pete Agnew - Bass, Guitar, Guitar (Bass), Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
Dan McCafferty, Liza Strike, Vicki Brown, Barry St. John - Vocals
Manny Charlton - Synthesizer, Guitar, Producer
Max Middleton - Keyboards
Simon Phillips - Percussion, Tabla
Vicky Silva - Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
Darrell Sweet - Percussion, Drums, Vocals (bckgr)


Site visitor reviews
7/10 tony chicarello (April 19, 2008)
Not only their best selling record, their best songs! Miss Misery and Whiskey Drinkin' woman are two of their very best songs! And of course
there's the ballad "Love Hurts', and the tile song rocks.

If you know this album you can review it.

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