In the Wake of Poseidon


In the Wake of Poseidon
CD on
Artist: King Crimson
Released: 1970, 15 May
Labels: EG
Average rating: Based on DM and site visitor ratings
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  Peace - A Beginning (Fripp/Sinfield) - 0:50 Lyrics
  Pictures of a City [Including 42nd at Treadmill] (Fripp/Sinfield) - 8:01 Lyrics
  Cadence and Cascade (Fripp/Sinfield) - 4:37 Lyrics
  In the Wake of Poseidon [Including Libra's Theme] (Fripp/Sinfield) - 7:56 Lyrics
  Peace - A Theme (Fripp) - 1:15 Lyrics
  Cat Food (Fripp/McDonald/Sinfield) - 4:55 Lyrics
  The Devil's Triangle (Fripp) - 11:34 Lyrics
  Peace - An End (Fripp/Sinfield) - 1:52 Lyrics
All album lyrics on one page 


Recorded at Studio Wessex Sound, London
Keith Tippett - Piano, Keyboards
Gordon Haskell - Bass, Vocals
Greg Lake - Bass, Vocals
Robin Thompson - Engineer
Mel Collins - Flute, Saxophone
Robert Fripp - Guitar, Director, Keyboards, Producer, Mellotron, Devices
Michael Giles - Drums, Vocals
Peter Giles - Bass
Jeff, Tony, Robin Thompson - Engineers
Peter Sinfield - Director, Lyricist, Producer, Design, Paintings

Mel Collins of "Circus" appears by courtesy of Transatlantic Records
Gordon Haskell appears by courtesly of C.B.S.Records


Site visitor reviews
7/10 fairlight fm (September 16, 2005)
pictures of a city

cadence and cascade

in the wake of posieden

carry on from crimson king and are great tracks

the rest you can forget

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Other releases of the year
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The Beatles - Circa 1960 - in the Beginning [US]
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