Mind Games


Mind Games
CD on Amazon.com
Artist: John Lennon
Released: 1973, 2 November
Average rating: Based on DM and site visitor ratings
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Average song rating Mind Games (Lennon) - 4:14 Lyrics
Average song rating Tight A$ (Lennon) - 3:39 Lyrics
Average song rating Aisumasen (I'm Sorry) (Lennon) - 4:46 Lyrics
Average song rating One Day (At a Time) (Lennon) - 3:10 Lyrics
Average song rating Bring on the Lucie (Freda Peeple) (Lennon) - 4:15 Lyrics
Average song rating Nutopian International Anthem - 0:03  
Average song rating Intuition (Lennon) - 3:11 Lyrics
Average song rating Out the Blue (Lennon) - 3:23 Lyrics
Average song rating Only People (Lennon) - 3:26 Lyrics
Average song rating 10  I Know (I Know) (Lennon) - 3:49 Lyrics
Average song rating 11  You are Here (Lennon) - 4:10 Lyrics
Average song rating 12  Meat City (Lennon) - 2:48 Lyrics
All album lyrics on one page 


John Lennon - Producer, Arranger, Album cover
Roy Cicala, Dan Barbiero - Engineers


Site visitor reviews
6/10 Erika (June 8, 2007)
This album just goes to show that John Lennon wasn\'t quite perfect! Which is not to say that it\'s bad, just that it\'s just alright. There are no outstanding songs on this album, even the title track \"Mind Games\" is just good, not great. This album isn\'t very good compared to Lennon\'s others, especially \"Imagine\" and \"Plastic Ono Band.\" If you want to do ex-Beatle comparisons, Paul\'s 1973 album \"Band on the Run\" is much better.
7/10 Bruce Beatlefan (December 13, 2005)
Although there are some very fine moments, for some reason this album always sounds to me like "Warmed Over Imagine". Very unlike John Lennon to do anything twice. Most songs are enjoyable, but nothing causes me to drop what I'm doing and turn up the CD player (or radio).
5/10 John (July 15, 2005)
Following up the horrendous Sometime In NYC was this passable album. Very ordinary in every way. Nothing really stands out. It included the #1 single Mind Games, which is OK. Bring Out the Lucie is alright. Out the Blue is almost a good love song. Everything else is average at best. After the terrific start of his solo career, John now had two disappointing efforts in a row.

If you know this album you can review it.

Other releases of the year
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