

CD on
Artist: Led Zeppelin
Released: 1976, 31 March
Average rating: Based on DM and site visitor ratings
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Average song rating Achilles Last Stand (Page/Plant) - 10:22 Lyrics
  For Your Life (Page/Plant) - 6:20 Lyrics
  Royal Orleans (Bonham/Jones/Page/Plant) - 2:58 Lyrics
Average song rating Nobody's Fault But Mine (Page/Plant) - 6:27 Lyrics
  Candy Store Rock (Page/Plant) - 4:07 Lyrics
  Hots on for Nowhere (Page/Plant) - 4:43 Lyrics
Average song rating Tea for One (Page/Plant) - 9:27 Lyrics
All album lyrics on one page 


Jimmy Page - Guitar, Producer
Robert Plant - Harmonica, Vocals
John Paul Jones - Bass, Keyboards
John Bonham - Drums


Site visitor reviews
10/10 Dino (June 19, 2004)
Achilles last stand, Nobody's fault but mine, and Tea for one easily compensate for the other tracks which are not bad but not even close to as chilling as those three tracks.
Achilles last stand features a thundering guitar/bass rhythm combo by Page and Jones and has some of the best guitar work you'll ever hear in the breaks around the middle of the song. Great lyrics as well. At 10:23 it is one of the longer, and most beautiful Zeppelin tracks.
Nobody's fault but mine features a feel good guitar rhythm with a hard harmonica solo (Plant) and one of the best guitar solos at the end.
Tea for one is a 9 minute-plus blues number with a seemingly talking guitar and heartfelt lyrics. Great guitar work again, of course.

As for the others, hots on for nowhere features some great guitar work at the end and that's about all I remember at the moment. By this review I'm not telling you to listen to the three songs and disregard the others, listen to the whole CD over and over and you will find it is all good rock n roll but those three stand way out.
7/10 Zeppelin Fan (June 13, 2004)
Not their strongest effort by any means, however it is still filled with some priceless gems buried beneath the dirt. 'Presence' was a small step backward in a long line of incredible, mega hit albums. If listened to with an open mind and not compared to the previous Led Zeppelin albums you'll find it isnt a bad listen after all, in fact it held its own against other albums of the day despite being a black sheep in the lineup. When youre one of the very best often times even your worst holds some merit...

If you know this album you can review it.

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