Somewhere in England


Somewhere in England
CD on
Released: 1981, 1 June
Labels: Dark Horse
Average rating: Based on DM and site visitor ratings
Previous / Next by George Harrison


Average song rating Blood From a Clone (Harrison) - 3:58 Lyrics
Average song rating Unconsciousness Rules (Harrison) - 3:04 Lyrics
Average song rating Life Itself (Harrison) - 4:24 Lyrics
Average song rating All Those Years Ago (Harrison) - 3:43 Lyrics
Average song rating Baltimore Oriole (Carmichael) - 3:57 Lyrics
Average song rating Teardrops (Harrison) - 4:04 Lyrics
Average song rating That Which I Have Lost (Harrison) - 3:42 Lyrics
Average song rating The Writing's on the Wall (Harrison) - 3:57 Lyrics
Average song rating Hong Kong Blues (Carmichael/Webster) - 2:54 Lyrics
Average song rating 10  Save the World (Harrison) - 4:56 Lyrics
All album lyrics on one page 


George Harrison - Synthesizer, Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals, Producer
Ringo Starr, Jim Keltner, Dave Mattacks - Drums
Tom Scott - Horn, Lyricon
Gary Brooker - Synthesizer, Keyboards
Herbie Flowers - Bass, Tuba
Ray Cooper - Synthesizer, Percussion, Drums, Keyboards, Engineer, Cover Art Concept
Neil Larsen - Synthesizer, Keyboards
Phil McDonald - Engineer
Mike Moran - Synthesizer, Drums
Willie Weeks - Bass
Alla Rakha - Tabla
Anthony Cohen - Typography


Site visitor reviews
8/10 Erika (June 8, 2007)
A very good George album, though not one of his best. The best song on here is easily \"All Those Years Ago,\" which is bittersweet because it\'s so catchy and happy but still very sad because John\'s dead...\"Teardrops\" is similar, with depressing lyrics but a fun, catchy tune - plus it\'s also a very good song. I also quite like \"Blood From a Clone\" and \"Save the World.\"
7/10 Bruce Beatlefan (June 23, 2006)
Somewhere in England is the middle album in a little burst of three George Harrison albums issued in a four-year period, and it\'s striking how George Harrison\'s mood changes for each album: from gentle/optimistic (George Harrison) to confrontational/solemn (Somewhere in England) to breezy/apathetic (Gone Troppo). This is generally regarded as a weak Harrison album (only \"All Those Years Ago\" will be familiar to a non-fan) and perhaps the return to the sardonic and confrontational George of the latter-Beatles-thru-Marterial-World era was largely responsible for this judgment, but I\'m confident that anyone willing to give this collection several listenings will be rewarded.

\"All Those Years Ago\" needs no introduction, the John Lennon memorial which brought George, Ringo and Paul together for the only time between 1970 and 1994. The best remaining tracks include the tender devotional song of worship \"Life Itself\", the light-hearted poke at the disco craze \"Unconsciousness Rules\", the plea for spiritual awakening in \"The Writing\'s on the Wall\" and \"That Which I Have Lost\" (either of which could have been tracks from All Things Must Pass), and the danceable \"Teardrops\". The album opens with \"Blood From a Clone\", a caustic commentary on the new-wave era (I\'m sure I\'m not the only person whose response to that sentiment was \'Right On!\'), closes with the humorous but mediocre \"Save the World\", and curiously includes a couple of Hoagy Carmichael covers \"Baltimore Oriole\" and \"Hong Kong Blues\". I don\'t anything will jump out and grab you in your first couple times through, but don\'t dismiss Somewhere in England for that reason.
5/10 Graeme Gerrard (November 20, 2005)
I wouldn't say this is George's worst album. While it may not be strong spiritually like his work of the early 1970's, he's demonstrating an appreciation for the music of Hoagy Carmichael, and raising environmental issues in Save The World, while at the same time making direct reference to the events that are shaping his life in All Those Years Ago and Blood From a Clone. It's this ability, to reflect his personal life in his music, that is one of his most engaging.

I would definately have to say that his worst album is Gone Troppo.
4/10 BeatleBeatle (April 2, 2005)
Easily George's worst album, "All Those Years Ago" and "Life Itself" are the only reasons to pick this one up.

If you know this album you can review it.

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