Stand up


Stand up
CD on
Artist: Jethro Tull
Released: 1969, July
Average rating: Based on DM and site visitor ratings
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  A New Day Yesterday (Anderson) (4:10) Lyrics
  Jeffrey Goes to Leicester Square (Anderson) (2:12) Lyrics
  Bouree (J.S. Bach, arranged by Anderson) (3:47) Lyrics
  Back to the Family (Anderson) (3:48) Lyrics
  Look Into the Sun (Anderson) (4:21) Lyrics
  Nothing is Easy (Anderson) (4:26) Lyrics
  Fat Man (Anderson) (2:52) Lyrics
  We Used to Know (Anderson) (4:00) Lyrics
  Reasons for Waiting (Anderson) (4:06) Lyrics
  10  For a Thousand Mothers (Anderson) (4:13) Lyrics
All album lyrics on one page 


Ian Anderson - lead vocals, flute, acoustic guitar, Hammond
organ, piano, mandolin, balalaika, mouth organ
Martin Lancelot Barre - electric guitar, flute on "Jeffrey Goes
To Leicester Square" and "Reasons for Waiting"
Glenn Cornick - bass guitar
Clive Bunker - drums and all manner of percussion

David Palmer - string arrangement and conductor on "Reasons for Waiting"

Produced by: Terry Ellis and Ian Anderson
Engineered by: Andy Johns
Cover Concept by: Terry Ellis and John Williams
Cover Art by: Jimmy Grashow
Label: Reprise RS-6360


Site visitor reviews
9/10 MГЎrcio Ivam. (December 14, 2010)
A album with "A New Day Yesterday" in opening, shows a great rock and roll band." Brings too "Bouree", "We used to know." a classic album to all years(and days....)
8/10 Igor (April 13, 2006)
In this their 2nd effort, they continue to do all kinds of music even covering Bach(Bouree\'). A New Day Yesterday has one of those great riffs. Nothing Is Easy and Fat Man are amongst thrir best. I always will love their early stuff

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