The Age of Plastic


The Age of Plastic
CD on
Artist: The Buggles
Released: 1980, 30 January
Average rating: Based on DM and site visitor ratings
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Average song rating Living in the Plastic Age (Downes/Horn) - 5:08 Lyrics
Average song rating Video Killed the Radio Star (Downes/Horn/Wooley) - 4:13 Lyrics
Average song rating Kid Dynamo (Downes/Horn) - 3:30 Lyrics
Average song rating I Love You (Miss Robot) (Downes/Horn) - 4:59 Lyrics
Average song rating Clean, Clean (Downes/Horn/Wooley) - 3:54 Lyrics
Average song rating Elstree (Downes/Horn) - 4:31 Lyrics
Average song rating Astroboy (And the Proles on Parade) (Downes/Horn) - 4:47 Lyrics
Average song rating Johnny on the Monorail (Downes/Horn) - 5:26 Lyrics
All album lyrics on one page 


The Buggles - Producer
Geoffrey Downes - Percussion, Keyboards
Trevor Horn - Bass, Guitar, Percussion, Vocals


Site visitor reviews
8/10 Michael A. Clem (October 17, 2005)
Great sci-fi style pop music. The band's music always struck me as being about our fascination with fiction and escapism.
It's a shame they didn't stay together and make more albums, but Geoff Downes went on to be in Asia, while Trevor Horn has produced the albums of numerous other artists, including Yes and Seal.
9/10 Sony (August 6, 2005)
It's a shame that we only know of the Buggles because of the historic airing of "Video Killed the Radio Star" on early MTV, a gross misuse and misreprestation of the song. They were able to blend intelligent socio-economic and political commentary with synthetic and surreal space rock in a melodious method reminiscent of early sci-fi cinema, a la "A Trip to the Moon." Though decades old, their insightful lyrics prove still relative. Check out "Clean, Clean," for a Vonnegutian view of the latest Iraqi war.
3/10 james willis (August 2, 2005)
If there ever was a definition for a disposable band the buggles are it. They got lucky with "video killed the radio star" then fell of the musical world. which in my opinion is the best thing for us all. Even with royalties from GTA Vice City (for which buggles makes a musical appearance) the band still has to have day jobs. I dont even why Im reviewing this musical swill. Just voicing my complete and utter disdain for crap like this

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