The Curse of Blondie


The Curse of Blondie
CD on
Artist: Blondie
Released: 2003, 13 October
Labels: Epic Records
Average rating: Based on DM and site visitor ratings
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  Shakedown (Ashby/Harry/Stein) - 5:05 Lyrics
  Good Boys (Griffin/Harry) - 4:18 Lyrics
  Undone (Bartock/Harry/Vitale) - 4:28 Lyrics
  Golden Rod (Foxx/Harry) - 5:23 Lyrics
  Rules for Living (Destri) - 5:12 Lyrics
  Background Melody (The Only One) (Destri/Harry) - 3:54 Lyrics
  Magic (Asadoya Yunta) (Ashby/Harry/Traditional) - 4:05 Lyrics
  End to End (Ashby/Harry/Stein) - 3:59 Lyrics
  Hello Joe (Ashby/Harry/Stein) - 4:06 Lyrics
  10  The Tingler (Harry/Stein) - 3:52 Lyrics
  11  Last One in the World (Destri) - 4:31 Lyrics
  12  Diamond Bridge (Destri/Harry) - 4:07 Lyrics
  13  Desire Brings Me Back (Langheld/Olla) - 5:31 Lyrics
  14  Songs of Love (Langheld) - 6:46 Lyrics
  15  Good Boys (Griffin/Harry) - 4:06 Lyrics
All album lyrics on one page 


Debbie Harry - Vocals
Jimmy Destri - Keyboards
Chris Stein - Guitar
Clem Burke - Drums
Leigh Foxx - Bass
Paul Carbonara - Guitar

Craig Leon, Jeff Bova, Kevin Griffin - Producers


Site visitor reviews
5/10 fs-boneyard (February 7, 2005)
Followup review...2005
No I have not changed nor bend to emails but heres a follow up review
A@E came out with a Blondie show and then pawned it on DVD and CD..
WOW...Blondie by request...What differes from the Curse Of Cd
Is that the songs sound good...proving that the compression and
Processing of a closed studio sound made Curse of blondie sound ...weak!.I still dont like Shakedown,still have clown
issues with Good Boys..But at least good boys sounds great when
out of the studio...The live by request Cd Does a great version
of end to end and Hello Joe..
No I havenot ditched the album but more study why It missed
the ball...Kinda like watching the Avengers movie over and over
to figure out once agian what went wrong...
The latestemail from chris at Blondie>net stats hes going to make the
next album based on old time song writing and not using computers...
what a novel approach....Back to basics...paperand pen writing ya man...I dont see the things you do but cant wait for
the next album...Please no Clowns on the next video...
still 30 years later what Band has the fan base Blondie Does..
Keep the faith Pete At the Boneyard
5/10 peterk (July 8, 2004)
If you have ever met Chris or Deborah or even just read and
article about them you realize they are on another channel...
This album was cursed back on 9-11 when the track ended up missing
and they restarted the whole album over...The album is very RED
in color and very air brushed too...oh the CD has no tracks
printed on the disk....Where am I going you may ask....
A classic line from Commander Straker on the TV Series UFO..
And thats where I end up CHRIS?? DEBORAH?? WHAT HAPPENED???
I have listen to this album with a walkman lying in bed so i would
not miss a thing...No Car ..Kids..or external noises...
and I dont get it...Clem!! get rid or the syntho drums...
Jimmy ! crank up a real keyboard...Chris turn up the strings
and deb use that voice...
As with my first sentence what channel are you guys on...
track 1 is missing the point...track 2 gets the show going...
But Blondie to Where...I love this group but I couldnt bond with the
Am I wrong for liking NO EXIT(1999)...It seemed like a fun album to
do...the Curse of blondie seems like it was a curse from the start..


If you know this album you can review it.

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