This Was


This Was
CD on
Artist: Jethro Tull
Released: 1968, October
Average rating: Based on DM and site visitor ratings
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  My Sunday Feeling (Anderson) (3:42) Lyrics
  Someday the Sun Won't Shine for You (Anderson) (2:49) Lyrics
  Beggar's Farm (Abrahams/Anderson) (4:20) Lyrics
  Move on Alone (Abrahams) (1:59) Lyrics
  Serenade to a Cuckoo (Roland Kirk) (6:11) Lyrics
  Dharma for One (Anderson/Bunker) (4:16) Lyrics
  It's Breaking Me up (Anderson) (5:05) Lyrics
  Cat's Squirrel (traditional, arranged by Abrahams) (5:44) Lyrics
  A Song for Jeffrey (Anderson) (3:23) Lyrics
  10  Round (Anderson/Abrahams/Bunker/Cornick/Terry Ellis) (0:49) Lyrics
All album lyrics on one page 


Ian Anderson - lead vocals, flute, mouth organ, claghorn on
"Dharma for One", piano on "Round"
Mick Abrahams - guitar, nine-string guitar and lead vocal on "Move on Alone"
Clive Bunker - drums, hooter, charm bracelet
Glenn Cornick- bass guitar

David Palmer - arrangement on "Move on Alone"

Recorded: June 13 - August 23, 1968
Produced by: Terry Ellis and Jethro Tull
Engineered by: Victor Gamm
Cover Concept by: Terry Ellis and Ian Anderson
Cover Photo by: Brian Ward
Label: Reprise RS-6336


Site visitor reviews
8/10 Igor (April 13, 2006)
This is the un-Tull album along with the next Stand Up. They were a bar band that played under many names until they decided on Jethro Tull, the inventor of the seed drill in the 16th century. These guys were riding the late 60\'s white boy blues revival on this one with every song being straight up blues tunes or blues influenced. Ian Anderson\'s flute would become their staple trademark musically. There sound for me is one of the most original ever in 20th century music. One of my favorite 5 or 6 bands. Not a bad tune on the album and every song takes you somewhere else. A true fusion album. Get it and listen to the whole thing.

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