

CD on
Artist: Ian Gillan
Released: 1991
Average rating: Based on DM and site visitor ratings
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Average song rating Hang Me out to Dry (Gillan) - 4:02  
  Toolbox - 4:15  
  Dirty Dog - 4:10  
  Candy Horizon - 4:15  
  Don't Hold Me Back - 4:36  
  Pictures of Hell - 3:55  
  Dancing Nylon Shirt, Pt. 1 - 3:38  
  Bed of Nails - 4:24  
  Gassed up - 3:05  
  10  Everything I Need - 3:48  
  11  Dancing Nylon Shirt, Pt. 2 - 3:02  


Ian Gillan - Performer
Brett Bloomfield - Bass
Leonard Haze - Drums
Steve Morris - Guitar
Robin Ayling - Label Consultant
Claes Johansen - Liner Notes
Wood - Production Assistant


Site visitor reviews
10/10 Ronaldo Jappe (June 29, 2006)
It\'s a very nice album. Don\'t know why so many people complain. There are a lot of reaons to love it. GREAT guitar work, AMAZING vocals as well as a very good bass player and drummer. It\'s Heavy Rock (with CAPITAL letters).
Candy Horizon is amazing, the energy in Pictures of Hell is just plain amazing. Hang me out to dry, Toolbox and Dirty Dog are masterpieces. The only songs that I don\'t like much are Everything I Need (don\'t ask me why, couldn\'t find teh reason yet) and Dancing Nylon Shirt (too repetitive).
Lyrics are great (go for and look for \"Wordography\" section), you may find the reason for some o his lyrics. Best Gillan album, IMHO...
7/10 Rogerio Rios (October 6, 2005)
Tollbox is an album full of energy, the "Screaming Gillan" shows how to use his impressive voice. Good songs like "don't hold me back", and "hang me out to dry" are inspired moments.
9/10 sheesh (July 4, 2004)
Lots of fun, quite different from both current and past Deep Purple work. Good music to de housework to... Worth a listen.
3/10 Eirik Solum (June 8, 2004)
After the well recieved first solo album after the departire from Deep Purple, "Naked Thunder", Ian Gillan returns with a record more in vein with the early 90s out dated heavy metal scene. While "Naked Thunder" was melody based, well performed, mature, almost poppy and definetly catchy, "Toolbox" is avrage metal with avrage metal songs. Gillan relys on his ability to scream all the way trough, wihle the band performes with no dynamics or exiting moments.

This album belongs on the shelf labeled "albums from performers from the new wave of british metal recorded at a point in time where the wave is growing old and parodic". "Toolbox" is embarrasing and was the last of two records the singer made before he returned to Deep Purple where he belongs, though it took the band a couple of albums to dig out something desant.

So, don't go for this one if you're not a dedicated fan of acts like Y&T, late Saxon or Helix. Geddit?

If you know this album you can review it.

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