Glory Road


Glory Road
CD on
Artist: Ian Gillan
Released: 1980, October
Labels: Virgin
Average rating: Based on DM and site visitor ratings
Previous / Next by Ian Gillan


  Unchain Your Brain (Gillan/McCoy) - 3:08 Lyrics
  Are You Sure? (Gillan/McCoy/TormГ©) - 4:03 Lyrics
  Time and Again (Gillan/McCoy/TormГ©) - 5:00 Lyrics
  No Easy Way (Gillan/McCoy/TormГ©) - 6:31 Lyrics
  Sleeping on the Job (Gillan/Towns) - 3:11 Lyrics
  On the Rocks (Gillan/Towns) - 6:36 Lyrics
  If You Believe Me (Gillan) - 7:33 Lyrics
  Running White Face, City Boy (Towns) - 3:10 Lyrics
  Nervous (Gillan/Towns) - 3:44 Lyrics
  10  Your Mother Was Right (Gillan/Towns) - 7:19  
  11  Redwatch (TormГ©/Underwood) - 3:40  
  12  Abbey of Thelema (Gillan/Towns) - 6:06 Lyrics
  13  Trying to Get to You (McCoy/Singleton) - 3:17 Lyrics
  14  Come Tomorrow (McCoy/TormГ©) - 2:51  
  15  Dragons Tongue (Towns) - 5:30  
  16  Post-Fade Brain Damage (Gillan/McCoy/TormГ©) - 6:02 Lyrics
All album lyrics on one page 


Recorded: April - May 1980, Kingsway Recorders, London, UK

Ian Gillan - Harmonica, Vocals
Bernie TormГ© - Guitar
Colin Towns - Keyboards
John McCoy - Bass
Mick Underwood - Drums


Site visitor reviews
10/10 azi (May 22, 2006)
best gillan album ever-better than deep purple,yes , we will always love child in time, smoke..., etc, but this is really the highlight of his vocal career.
8/10 Eirik Solum (June 8, 2004)
This is a classic hard rock record from one of the history of rock's classic voices – Ian Gillan.

The band creatively called Gillan sounds dark, hard and performs at its peak here. "On the Rocks" sound majestic but not over the top. "Unchain Your Brain", "Running, White Face, City boy" is fast and hard. "If you Beleve Me" is bluesy with vierd guitar playing from Bernie Torme. Keyboardist Colin Towns also has a very distinct sound and is a important part of Gillan and Glory Road. Simply a very talented piano player, with a tuch of jazz/ fusion. Towns has later made music for sevral movies.

On "Glory Road" you can hear Ian Gillan at his best vocally and creativly, with great tunes and great performing from a exiting hard rock band. But don't expect Deep Purple II. This is a totally different approach. This is Gillan.

If you know this album you can review it.