Eat to the Beat

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9/10 p kodis (July 15, 2004)
Change is Good...But many Differ...
I loved the Change as Eat to the Beat went More into a Rock
Mode but Many Fans were not ready and fell a lap back as the
frieght train passed them..
1979-80 Out with A VHS Tape Of the Album and a run on the
Ill fated TV series on NBC Pink Lady and Jeff and guest
band on Saturaday night Live I thought the sound was Great
and still Is a favorite Album with Me.
Blondie At this time was Rockin and the Disco beat was Missing
and that bothered many but this was the end of the 70s and
Blondie was cutting edge...This is another Album that Shows
the winds were changing..This album has alot of great songs
but (Sound A Sleep) throws a Brick into the jet engine...
But in time its crushed and blown out the rear end the album
picks up again..
Classic Blondie Album..CAll Me was not on this album as a
33 rmp record in 1980 but later its a bonus track on the cd
as with Ring of Fire from (Roadie)

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