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8/10 B.Wind (August 10, 2004)
"The music is reversible, but time is not. Turn back! Turn back! Turn back!" -- recorded backwards -- starts the LP/CD as ELO turns away from the experimental/orchestral direction to a mostly pop route. (a piece of trivia: "Fire on High" was used by CBS sports as its hockey theme -- and then for other sports -- in the mid-to-late '70s).

"Fire on High" is the now-obligatory instrumental showcase of the "new" ELO, a million miles from "10358" and a few dozen since "Eldorado." "Evil Woman" (another gold record) is arguably the best single Jeff Lynne and Co put out, but the trio of "Poker," "Nightrider," and the transitory "Strange Magic" (a precursor to the group's hits on "Ole Elo") fare quite well, too.

In light of the constantly changing lineup, not a bad album... and Jeff Lynne finally decides to give up the experimentation and go for the gold (and platinum) record. Listen to this CD and "Ole Elo" back-to-back for full effect.