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10/10 john ruff (April 1, 2006)
jeff don\'t stop now. your back try an album about getting to 40+ for us men.MID life.
8/10 James McCartney (January 29, 2006)
I thought it was fantastic to hear Jeff back with the band. This is the real ELO! I have worn grooves in the cd. Please don\'t stop here Jeff.
1/10 DANO (October 30, 2004)
In rating this CD, I had to choose between "not music" and "worst ever". Tough call! I hate this CD! When I say I hate it, please know that I am a huge ELO fan. This makes ELO II sound great. I recommend this CD to NO ONE! Take heed.
10/10 Marc Wood (June 5, 2004)
10/10 Zaphod (March 23, 2004)
Excellent comeback that recalled the glory days while looking forward to a bright new future. Let's hope they do more albums.