In Through the out Door

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9/10 Zeppelin fan (June 25, 2004)
This ones not bad for an exit album('Coda' was a compilation of 'older' material left on the cutting room floor so it wasnt Zeps true last album). Often times career ending albums leave much to be desired however I'd bet thats not what this album was intended to be at all... in fact this was probably the 'new' Zeppelin for the coming decade, similar to the rolling stones shift in style(ie.'Some Girls')...I believe Zeppelin was fine tuning their sound to shoot off in a different yet just as exhilerating direction just like The Stones were. Had John B. lived, I believe Led Zeppelin would have come out with at least a couple more albums resembling 'In through the Out Door' in sound and style before calling it quits(if ever calling it quits at all)... This was a mature Zeppelin, a beautiful mellowing out of the 'Hammer of the Gods' if you will however a very nice change still. They pulled it off extremely well in my opinion. 'In Through the out Door' is an excellent transition album for led Zeppelin, transition or not its an excellent album period...