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RamAlbum reviews
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I went to the Porto Alegre Paul`s show, in Brazil, 7th November 2010, and for my wonderful, biggest surprise, Paul made a preambulo for George`s Something with Roam On. I really cried a lot. I was congratulated with a song which I really never expected. Together with my sons and wife I cried of joy, satisfaction, proud to be a man who in 1964, I listen to the Beatles for the the firt time. here, today, I can feel that I was blessed with such a beautiful moment. Since than I wonder how is it possible such a minimalist song, single music, unic home chanting, change some people`s life. Paul what I have to say is "still love you too" (s~l^wju:).
The acetate for this album is being sold at Juliens Auctions Dec 3/4 2010 in Beverly Hills. You can bid online for it. I've seen it and it's in VG+ condition and sounds amazing.
A simple pop album with enjoyable tunes.The production was excellent but the songs are lightweight.
This was the first solo McCartney album I got (which was less than a year ago) and it\'s probably my favorite. It\'s just so happy and creative! I love it! Paul McCartney is a genius.
Hello, it\'s me again on the Ram album. I said my little piece on this album (see below) but if you really wanna know how I feel, click on the Amazon customer\'s reviews and read the one entitled \"You Could Knock Me Down With a Feather...\". I dunno who wrote it but I wish it was me. It\'s brilliant and expresses my feelings better than I ever could. Thanks, buddy, whoever you are.
Monkberry Moon Delight is McCartney\'s most bizarre song: period. \'My hair is a tangled beretta\' is the kind of lyrical leap of imagination Tom Waites began making around the time of Swordfish Trombones. Elsewhere on Ram we have surreal blues in the shape of 3 Legs, exquisite country picking in Heart Of The Country, and the Lennon baiting Too Many people with a whiplash guitar solo played by McCartney himself. The several songs in one trade mark of The Beatles is hilariously and yet poignantly developed in Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey, wich contains a gypsy dance segment that will have you reeling with joy. Back Seat of My Car is a McCartney masterpiece and ends the Ram collection on the gloriously defient chorus of \'Ohhh we believe that we can\'t be wrong NO NO NO NO!\'
Can\'t argue with that. Ram is McCartney\'s greatest album ever: period. ![]()
It is a very cool, agressive and savage Mccartney! it\'s hard \'n rocker, is not one of his so coomoon balads! or Silly love songs (that aren\'t silly at all, but...) Is worth having inyour collection! =)!
Amazing album! and paul has added too many people to his set list on his most recent tour, what a treat. This album has a nice feel to it, idon't know how to put it! Great one!!!
Absolutely one of my favourite McCartney albums. Love Lindas backing vocals! So much nostalgia! Miss Linda being there with Paul - she was such an influence. Miss their group Wings. Sir Paul is still going strong however he will never be the same. So unfortunate.
Ram on... All the best from Stockholm Sweden ![]()
Where "McCartney" exudes joy in the form of homespun warmth, this
album is joyful in a giddy ecstatic way which is almost uncomfortable (how many women would enjoy having "Long-haired Lady" or "Eat in Bed" written about them?). "Monkberry Moon Delight", "Heart of the Country", and, shucks, all the other songs fit this manic pattern as well without being love songs. "Ram On" is a brilliant sequel to "Why Don't We Do it in the Road". And I haven't even mentioned the hits... "Too Many People" absolutely blisters (as does John's "How Do You Sleep"--seems like their passion was greatest when they were baiting each other). Wonderful album--four stars only because of the existence of "All Things Must Pass" and "Band on the Run" ![]()
There was a time when I would put this album on, first thing Sunday morning. If I had to say, it would be my favorite album of all time,
which is hard to say, but it's definitely the one I've listened to the most. "Heart of the Country" is probably the best but the whole album just flows so nicely that it's hard to pick out the best. I know they seem like just a bunch of "Silly Love Songs" but give this album a try, if you like music that is. :o) ![]()
I always loved this album. It has a comfortable, down home feel to it. So many of the songs are terrific. If you remember vinyl, side one is a classic. Too Many People, 3 Legs, Ram On, Dear Boy, Uncle Albert and Smile Away. All enjoyable and I still like listening to them. The lovely Heart of Country and the strange Monkberry Moon Delight start off side two strongly. Back Seat of My Car in my opinion is an overlooked McCartney Classic. Absolutely without question one of Paul McCartney's most enjoyable listens.
a classic album...very varied tracks.. Uncle Albert to long haired lady. truly a McCartney masterpiece
best record of the world, every detail is perfect.
There's no doubt about it, Ram's essential and required listening for serious rockers. "Heart of the Country" is one of the best on the album providing a nicley sung tune rich in depth and quality. Which is the only break in subject matter from the rest of the obvious material on album like "Too Many People" and "Monkberry Moon Delight" jams. The only other album that comes close to this is Bread's "Guitar Man" album from 1973.
Best album of Paul. I enjoy it already for 34 years.
Uncle Albert and Monkberry Moon delight are my favourates. ![]()
Monkberry Moon Delight is one of the best songs Paul has done. I've never been one for meaningful lyrics so this song really suits my taste. What a great sound Paul and the band have created. Worthy of a second listen.
This is one of the best album ever i thinks. It can take some time to really get in to it. But when you does, you can't let it go. Great songs like "Too Many People", "Monkberry Moon Delight", "Ram On" and what i think is the best song by Paul ever - "The Back Seat Of My Car". Very nice produced album and great vocals by Paul, and very the same by Linda. This album is just the best!
listened to Ram for the first time recently.very impressed.definatly up there with 'McCartney' as his best solo work.Favorite song? There's so many,but i'll go with 'To many people'
Strong album. Wish Paul'd do Too Many People live.
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