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10/10 Bruce Beatlefan (August 24, 2006)
Read my prematurely-written review below and then read this one. I have been healed--perhaps even by this very CD. I can play this CD all the way through now, even twice in succession, perhaps infinitely without ever getting bored. Paul\'s choice of songs is impeccable, his performance and passion are wondrous. You can survive on a desert island with this album, Run Devil Run, Unplugged and nothing else.
7/10 Bruce Beatlefan (June 9, 2006)
Paul sets out to do an album of covers, which is an exciting idea given his vast and varied experience in virtually every type of popular music. Doubtlessly he approached this project acutely aware of former mate John Lennon\'s similar endeavor \"Rock n Roll\" because he deliberately shuns Lennon\'s tendencies to (a) try and re-invent or rearrange the old standard, and to (b) give the oldie a \'new\' sound with more varied and elaborate orchestration. Paul\'s approach was undeniably old school, where guitar is king and over-rehearsing is for classical music. Paul\'s choice of songs is impeccable, and the playing and singing is rugged and wonderful. So why do I long to change the CD after playing four or five tracks? Dear God, I fear that I\'m not quite as old school as I fancied myself to be (I was probably spoiled for life during high school, when my favorite groups were Emerson Lake & Palmer, and Yes). For me this is great listening, but only for short doses. So, I am compelled to rate this album exactly the same as I rated Lennon\'s Rock n Roll, although it\'s approach (and thus its flaws) are the polar opposite.
10/10 Sac (February 2, 2006)
This album is one of his best. None of his other solo songs are as rockin\' as these. It shows he still has that rock and roll aspect. I especially like That\'s Alright Mama and Lucille. He should have done more songs like these, even if he didn\'t write them.
7/10 Brian Swinburne (January 27, 2006)
surprisingly good cover versions of old American rock and roll tracks. Macca could have made it big time even without his own compositions.
7/10 j w blood (May 30, 2005)
if you love old rock and mccartney you have to have this cd
he really belts some of these songs out.