Songs From Northern Britain

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7/10 greg (November 1, 2003)
The fannies have never made a truly classic album!, it's to do with the fact they all right the songs!!...I figure in the interests of democracy (and they seem like fairly laid back guys!) every one gets 2 or 3 songs matter what....quality control always goes out the window at some point on every album...that said though, every album is still always worth buying co's it will always without a shadow of a doupt contain atleast 3 or 4 absolute heart warming life affirming beauties!!....this is one of their most consistant efforts overall and well worth getting - it contains 5 of their best ever tracks...what ever you do add the followin songs to your collection - start again..- aint that enough - I dont want control of you - planets - winter - your love is the place i come from...great summer driving album...all beautifully crafted and played for your delight!.