Agent Provocateur

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10/10 John the Great (July 5, 2006)
This is a MASTERPIECE! I got it when it first came out...and today it\'s just as GREAT! This is what real music is all about,not the crap thats out today.If you don\'t like this,then you don\'t know a damn thing about music!
5/10 rexxxlooking (April 17, 2006)
amazing to me how a decent rock band from the 70\'s can get turned into a lame synth band in the 80\'s. a few decent songs but not worth the effort. if you never hear the album, you won\'t miss anything. and i liked foreigner for the first couple of albums. doesn\'t even sound like the same band that rocked us with hot blooded and cold as ice.
money, money, money.

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by Foreigner