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The Beatles 1962Album reviews
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Six observations on the selected songs:
(1) Every song is a Beatles original--there are no covers (many would see this as a plus for the album). This means that successful recordings such as "Twist and Shout", "Boys", and "Slow Down" are excluded. (2) Strong album cuts are included here, which means that Sgt Pepper and White Albums are represented (these albums had no singles). (3) Including the James Bond Theme before "Help" is a terrific touch. (4) Conspicuous in its absense is "She's a Woman", which was a #4 single (albeit a B-side) and a marvelous song. Curiously, this song also a ommitted from the "Rock and Roll Music" and "Love Songs" compilations as well. Seems to me pretty shabby. (5) "Rubber Soul" is represented six times, while "Revolver", a much better album (in my opinion) is only represented twice. (6) Why include "Don't Let me Down", one of the very worst Beatles songs??? |
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