The Beatles Past Masters

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10/10 Bruce Beatlefan (July 20, 2005)
In my middle age I had endeavored to obtain the Beatle's library (I refuse to use that stupid Rolling Stone word oeuvre), and found that (a)only the British versions were available--which I soon found to be a very good thing (b) there were gaping holes which I had no idea how to fill...B-sides which were still very dear to my heart...hits that are readily available if you're willing to collect the compilations such as the Red and Blue albums...Thanks to Mr. Mark Lewisohn we have these Past Masters Albums, which filled in those holes in a most efficient manner. But don't get the idea that this is just a 'utility' CD--a magnificent listen in its own right! Incredible joy after so many fallow years to be able to listen to the likes of "Thank You Girl", "Long Tall Sally", "I'm Down", "Yes it Is", "I Call Your Name"... well I think thousands of Beatle fans my age know exactly what I mean! You gotta have this!