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The Cry of LoveAlbum reviews
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The real story of this album was that this was the official last album recorded and mixed with Hendrix\' approval. It was scheduled to come out 1 month AFTER he died. It was pushed up because of his death but it was ready to go. I love the album. It\'s in my top 10. I used to work at my parents house in the summer when I was a teen mowing the lawn or painting the house with this album on and a couple others blasting out the windows of their house with the speakers in the windows. The neighbors were so P****8. Any way, this album is Hendrix starting an infinity towards jazz with his playing on Angel and a couple of others. Ezy Rider is the beginning and Helter Skelter of heavy metal in my opinion. Sabbath followed immidiatly afterward. The writing, lyrics and pacing of the album is magnificent. Each song takes you to a different place as all masters do. The paying on Belly Button Window is crazy!!! Get this album!
I hate to disagree with my friend above but this was the last studio album Jimi finished which was ready to be released with his approval as a finished product. All albums after this one were the crap that was rushed out after his death. Jimi was playing the tunes on this album live actually promoting it. Nobody wanted hear this really fresh stuff. They kept on crying for \'the hits\', the main reason he was so depressed.
I love this CD and remains one of my favorite Hendrix album, I\'ve listened to this CD easily 150-175 times over the years. It\'s great! ![]()
O Dear O dear.....
Someone got the keys to all the recording tapes at that moment unreleased when Jimi died, someone who probably wanted to sell a million they were right the album is wrong |
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