Wheels of Fire

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10/10 Limpi (April 9, 2009)
There are two albums in it. The first one is In the studio, he second one is Live at the Fillmore. In the studio is unplayable at concerts, because they're playing several instruments at once (not to mention Felix Pappalardi, who also plays in 5 songs). Worth to listen to all the songs, but you can hear the real Cream only in Passing the time and Those were the days, where they are jamming a little bit (only seconds).
Live at the Fillmore is simply unbelivable! The first song (Crossroads) is one of the three songs that well-known from Cream (however it is a Robert Johnson song, who played it much more slowly). It's hard to find anyone (if there is any) who'd found this song bad. It's fast, very listenable (even for those who doesn't like improvisations), many people say it's own Clapton's best solo ever, Bruce plays unbelievable and unplayable :-)
Spoonful starts as a slow blues song, but it isn't that during the jamming. All three of them are doing a very good job in this song.
Traintime is not good for Clapton-fans, he doesn't play in it. Bruce plays the harmonica, Baker really sounds like a train.
Toad is a drum-solo with some notes at the beginning and a very few at the end. If you don't like drum-solos, unable to listen to it or simply just bored by song with no whistleable lyrics or notes, then skip this song. If you do, then you'll be amazed by Baker's polyrhythmic technics.

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by Cream