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Anthology IIAlbum reviews
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The weakest of the three Anthology albums. Best bits: "Real Love" is great by virtue of being new and Beatles. "If You've Got Trouble" was lambasted by the Beatles in their Anthology Book (and also by
Mark Lewisohn), but think with a new set of lyrics this may have been a decent song. I love Ringo's obviously resigned "... Aw rock on, anybody...". "That Means a Lot" was pretty decent. Funny that these songs were discarded while "Wait" was resurrected for "Rubber Soul". "12-bar original" was utterly UNoriginal. "I'm Looking Through You" seems to have lost all of its funk between this album and the master version on "Rubber Soul". The karaoke "Eleanor Rigby" and "Within You Without You" mean that I can (in the privacy of my house) be Paul and George anytime I wish--except I need to look at the words to "Within You...". |
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