Yellow Submarine Songtrack

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6/10 Bruce Beatlefan (July 19, 2005)
I purchased this CD after extensively and unsuccessfully searching
for the original YS album (I have sense then found the original in
several stores, arg), and feel slighted from the George Martin tracks
being missing--to this day I have never heard them. Instead I have
a bunch a tracks that I already have. Okay, now for the four truly
YS tracks: history has relegated the four songs into the Beatles
wastebin alongside "Every Little Thing" and "Mr. Moonlight". I won't
make a strenuous argument that they are classic Beatles, but I thoroughly enjoy "It's all too Much" and "Hey Bulldog" (John's song,
but part of Paul's dog hall of fame alongside "I Feel Fine", "I Wanna
Be Your Man", "Martha My Dear", "Jet", etc.).