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Magical Mystery Tour [US]Album reviews
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A BIG album of The Beatles.The Film? The begining of video clip.Talk about Beatles, is hard and easy.The Best Band of every time.
Excluding Let It Be, my least favorite of the post-RS Beatles albums. And that isn't saying ANYTHING. Especially considering this album contains at LEAST one candidate for best fab song: strawberry fields forever (some would argue walrus and penny lane as well - i would disagree). The fact that John says it didn't turn out as he wanted can only make me dream and drool. Some accuse the album of not being a real beatles album, being a compilation... does it matter? Even the much maligned Blue Jay Way and Flying serve a great purpose, and the mood held on the album is VERY different from any other. The production is entirely foggy and weird, and so no other album gives the same experience. Just get it, ok?
Since "Beatles '65" actually came out in 1964, I am convinced that the true hidden meaning of the album's title is actually the format of most of their American albums--six songs on side A and five songs on side B. Much criticism has been levelled--justifiably--at the American slicing and mutilating the Beatle's albums into eleven-song packages. This album is America's redemption--collecting up a double-EP and three singles into a truly remarkable album (and once again holding to the 6-5 format), while leaving our British friends to collect up the hodgepodge of discs, or wait 'til 1976 when they got their album.
Oh yeah, the music. Do you really need me to tell you that a Beatle's album has fine music?? John's three tracks are just so loaded with imaginative sounds (fodder for the compulsive hidden-meaning searcher) and lunatic lyrics just on the very edge of meaning that after thousands of listenings I just cannot get bored. But don't get the idea they are merely novelties--the music is superb. Paul is in top form with the excellently crafted "Penny Lane", "Fool on the Hill" (has anyone ever played this song dedicating it to one of our senators?). "Hello Goodbye" was incredibly successful as a single, but I confess it never did much for me. "Blue Jay Way" is a worthy contribution from George--refreshingly non-preachy as "Within You" or "Gently Weeps" were. The other tracks are no worse than the non-hit tracks on any other Beatles album. Has anyone ever answered the question of what Paul's proposal for the worldwide television special was? Some books speculate that it was "All Together Now", some suggest "Your Mother Should Know". I guess compared to the wonderful "All You Need it Love", Paul was a little sheepish to say what he had written. ![]()
Had Sgt. Peppers never been released Magical Mystery Tour would have been its replacement most likely being heralded as the GREAT psychadelic Beatles album. Just a notch shy of Peppers innovation MMT was extremely experimental and interesting as well. A fantastic album that would have reached the success of Dark Side of the moon if the circumstances were slightly different... Released just months shy of each other its exciting to think had some of the amazing 'Peppers' songs and some of the amazing 'MMT' songs been held and released together on the same album rather than on seperate albums what would have been. I believe largest selling album in rock history! Just imagine 'A Day In the Life', 'Good Morning' and 'Lucy in the sky with Diamonds' being released together on the same album with 'Strawberry fields', 'All you need is love', 'Penny lane', 'I am the Walrus' and 'Hello, Goodbye'...it was just months shy of happening.
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