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RevolverAlbum reviews
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JESUS CHRISTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT these guys are fucking amazing. EVERY DAMN SONG is fantastic here. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this album. All 3 songwriters are at their peak, John beginning to experiment heavily (musically.. I couldn't care less about drugs) but holding on to his melodic ear while Paul experiments with non-rock arrangement successfully across the board (strings on ER, harpsichord on For No One, horns on GTGYIML). George comes out with three absolute winners (Taxman, Love You To - the first total sitar song, and I Want To Tell You). This album is perfect. That's it. And no, Yellow Sub isn't a flaw, its novelty that only lasts about 2 minutes and never wears off.
A point of no return. A before-after moment in music. Listen carefully the less-known-songs: Tomorrow: a beginning of an era, I\'m Only Sleepin:how build a song with natural sounds and sound effects. She said: incredible, most \"beatlesque\" bands can\'t play that song, because they can\'t catch the simply and complex structure of this. Also the sounds: the guitars, the voices, even the feedbacks are great. Magistral.
I have had a tough time over the years rating this album in terms of their best. A few times I've come close to calling it my favourite based on the greatness of Good Day Sunshine, And Your Bird can Sing, Taxman, and what I think is the finest cut, Here, There and Everywhere. The songs that bring me down to earth are the lousy Dr. Robert and I'm only Sleeping. Plus there's the too weird (but at times interesting) Tomorrow Never Knows. Still, one of their best.
I love this album. "Good Day Sunshine" "I'm Only Sleeping" "Love You To" and "Got To Get You Into My Life" get 10/10 from me. "Elenor Rigby" "Here There and Everywhere" "And Your Bird Can Sing" "Doctor Robert" and "For No One" get 9/10. "I Want to Tell You" and "Taxman" get 8/10. "She Said She Said" and "Tomorrow Never Knows" get 7/10, and "Yellow Submarine" gets 5/10
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