I Can Play That Rock & Roll

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Well, that disco thing can sure get funky
All them pretty songs seem too slow
I like to sit and pick with them good ol' boys
Maybe new wave's in, I just don't know
When the critics try to analyze a current trend
I just sit back and watch 'em come and go

'Cause I can play that rock'n'roll
Woah, now, I can play that rock'n'roll
Hey, now, I can play that rockin' rock'n'roll

If you, if you want to party at the next election
Only one way to go
Put on a rockin' rock'n'roll selection
Turn up and vote
And you can check out any time you want
Just call me, Joe
And I can play that rock'n'roll for you
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I can play that rock'n'roll

Hey, now, now, now, now, I can play that rock'n'roll
Well, well, I can play that rock'n'roll
I can play that rock'n'roll


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You Bought It - You Name It
You Bought It - You Name It