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Two Sides to Every StorySong ratingsNot rated yet. Lyrics
Well, I don't know, but I've been told Two sides to every story The one is right and the other is wrong Guess it depends which side you're on, 'cause One man's blessing is another man's curse One man's drink is another man's thirst One man's pleasure is another man's pain One man's loss is another man's gain One man's lie is another man's truth That's two sides to every story Well, good guys, bad guys all the same Good guy wins, bad guy gets blamed I don't care which side you're on, Ya might be right, ya might be wrong, 'cause One man's freedom is another man's prison One man's honor is another man's shame One man's guilty, one man isn't... There's two sides to every story One man's heaven is another man's hell One man's buy is another man's sell One man's day is another man's night One man's peace is another one's fight One man's loss is another one's glory There's two sides to every story There's two sides to every story There's two sides, two sides to every story
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