Vampire Blues

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I'm a vampire, babe,
Suckin' blood
From the earth
I'm a vampire, baby,
Suckin' blood
From the earth.
Well, I'm a vampire, babe,
Sell you
Twenty barrels worth.

I'm a black bat, babe,
Bangin' on
Your window pane
I'm a black bat, baby,
Bangin' on
Your window pane.
Well, I'm a black bat, babe,
I need my high octane.

Good times are comin',
I hear it everywhere I go
Good times are comin',
I hear it everywhere I go.
Good times are comin',
But they sure comin' slow.

I'm a vampire, babe,
Suckin' blood
From the earth
I'm a vampire, baby,
Suckin' blood
From the earth.
Well, I'm a vampire, babe,
Sell you
Twenty barrels worth.

Good times are comin'.


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