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Average song rating It must have been a liberating experience for Michael Pinder to phase out the R&B-styled songwriting for songs which were obviously closer to his heart and soul. "Om" is his crowning glory to this great album, and the entire group throws in to form this masterpiece of sound. Justin doodles around with the sitar (which he had never played before), Ray Thomas alternates vocals with Michael and lends his ubiquitous flute, while Graeme tries his hand with the Indian tablas and Mike ties everything together with the mellotron. Listening to the ecstatic vocal fadeout, I feel a lot like the exalted man on the cover to this album. Bruce Beatlefan October 22, 2011


The rain is on the roof
Hurry high butterfly
As clouds roll past my head
I know why the skies all cry
OM, OM, Heaven, OM

The Earth turns slowly round
Far away the distant sound
Is with us everyday
Can you hear what it say
OM, OM, Heaven, OM

The rain is on the roof
Hurry high butterfly
As clouds roll past my head
I know why the skies all cry
OM, OM, Heaven, OM


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In Search of the Lost Chord
In Search of the Lost Chord