So Deep Within You

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Average song rating If your familiarity with the Moody Blues stretches from "Days of Future Passed" onwards, "So Deep Within You" will sound very odd. But this song (and "Please Think About It") is very typical of the Pinder/Laine songs during 1965-1966, when the Moodies were still trying to make their mark as a R&B-influenced band. That suggests to me that the band, in need of a track to fill out the album, pulled this song from the mothballs. It clashes with Pinder's newer songs of spiritual searching, and with the overall feel of this album. Bruce Beatlefan November 19, 2011


Talk to me baby, I want to sleep at night.
My heart is heavy, it's weighed down by the night.
And now I'm lonely, I want to see the light
So deep within you.

Cool wind is blowing through your crazy hair.
Warm colours flowing, this feeling we have shared.
And now I'm lonely I want to feel the love
So deep within you.

Your love's a never ending dream,
A castle by a stream of sweet understanding.
I know you're thinking of me too, the messages
From you are my inspiration.

Love's incense lingers, it never fades away.
Like you I'm waiting for our special day.
And now I'm lonely I want to feel the love
So deep within you

My love is burning, like a forest fire.
My heart is yearning, I feel a warm desire.
And now I'm lonely I want to tough the fire
So deep within you.


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from the album

On the Threshold of a Dream
On the Threshold of a Dream