Pallas Athena

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God is on top of it
God is on top of it
God is on top of it

That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all

God is on top of it
On top of it
That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all

God is on top of it

that's all
That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all

God is on top of it
That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all

That's all
Is on top of it
That's all
That's all
That's all
That's all

That's all
That's all


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from the album

Black Tie White Noise
Black Tie White Noise