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“Aida” by Giuseppe Verdi libretto (English)

Contents: Roles; Act One; Act Two; Act Three; Act Four |
The banks of the Nile (Granite rocks, interspersed with palm trees. At the summit of the rocks, the Temple of Isis, half-hidden by the palms. It is a clear, starry night, a bright moon is shining.) CHORUS (in the temple) O thou, eternal mother and spouse of Osiris, goddess, who dost awaken the chaste fire in human hearts, succour us in thy mercy, O mother of infinite love! etc. |
(A boat draws up at the riverbank. Amneris, Ramfis, together with a group of heavily veiled women and guards, alight from the boat.) RAMFIS (to Amneris) Come to the temple of Isis, to beseech the Goddess’s favour on the eve of your wedding. Isis reads in the hearts of mortals; every human mystery is known to her. AMNERIS Yes, I shall pray that Radamès give me his whole heart, as my heart is given in sacred love, forever, to him. RAMFIS Let us go. You will pray until dawn. I shall stay with you. (All enter the temple.) CHORUS Succour us in thy mercy, etc. (Aida enters, furtively. She is veiled.) AIDA Radamès will come here. What will he say? I tremble. Ah! if you come, cruel man, to bid me a last farewell, in the dark eddies of the Nile I shall find my tomb, perhaps peace – but at least, oblivion! O fatherland, I shall never see you again! O blue skies, soft breezes of my homeland, where I lived out the quiet morning of my life, O grassy hills, O fragrant streams, |
O fatherland, I shall never see you again! etc. O cool valleys, blessed, peaceful haven, one day promised me by love, now that the dream of love is gone, O fatherland, I shall never see you again! etc. (Amonasro enters.) Heaven! My father! AMONASRO A grave matter has brought me here, Aida. Nothing escapes my eyes. Love for Radamès is killing you. He loves you too. You are waiting for him. The daughter of the Pharaohs is your rival – Princess of a hated race, our deadly enemy. AIDA And I am in her power! I, the daughter of Amonasro! AMONASRO In her power! No! if you wish, you can defeat your powerful rival, and fatherland, throne and love will all be yours. You will see again our fragrant forests, the cool valleys and the golden temples. AIDA 1 shall see again our fragrant forests, the cool valleys and the golden temples. |
AMONASRO Happy bride of the one you love, you shall know great joys at last. AIDA One day of such enchantment, one hour of such great joy – then I can die! AMONASRO You have not forgotten that pitiless Egypt defiled our altars, temples and homes, carrying off our maidens in slavery, murdering our mothers, our old men and out children? AIDA Ah, I remember well those unhappy days, and the mournful sorrow which filled my heart! Ah, grant, O gods, that for us may return the dawn of this peaceful days for which we pray. AMONASRO Remember... It cannot be long delayed. Our people even now are ready for battle; all is prepared, and we shall conquer. One thing is lacking – for me to know the route that the enemy will follow. AIDA Who could find out? Who? AMONASRO You could! |
AIDA I! AMONASRO I know you are waiting for Radamès. He loves you. He is the Egyptian captain. Do you understand? AIDA A horrid thought! What are you asking of me? No, never! AMONASRO (fiercely) Arise then soldiers of Egypt! Sack and burn our cities! Spread terror, rape and death! There is no rein now to your fury! AIDA Ah, father! father! AMONASRO (repulsing her) You call yourself my daughter! AIDA Have pity! AMONASRO Waves of blood are flowing over the vanquished cities. See – from the black swirls |
the dead arise. They point at you and cry, “Because of you, our country dies!” AIDA Have pity! Father, have pity! AMONASRO A horrid spectre rises in the shadows before us. Tremble, for over your head it lifts its bony arms. It is your mother – see her, she is cursing you! AIDA (terrified) Ah! father! no! have pity! etc. AMONASRO (repulsing her) You are not my daughter! You are the slave of the Pharaohs! AIDA Ah! Have pity! Have pity! Father, I am not their slave. Do not curse me nor revile me – you will call be daughter again, for I shall be worthy of my country. AMONASRO Remember that a whole people, conquered and suffering, can rise again through you! AIDA O fatherland, what a price I must pay, for thee! |
AMONASRO Be brave! He is coming now. I shall hear all. (He hides among the palms. Radamès enters.) RADAMÈS At last I am with you, again, sweet Aida. AIDA Stop go away! What do you want from me? RADAMÈS It is love which brings me to you. AIDA But the rites of another love await you. Married to Amneris – RADAMÈS What are you saying? You, Aida, are the only one I can love. As the gods are my witness, you shall be mine. AIDA Do not break your oath! As a hero I loved you, if you swear false, I cannot. RADAMÈS Do you doubt my love, Aida? AIDA But how can you escape from Amneris’ wiles, from the King’s command, from the people’s will, from the wrath of the priests? |
RADAMÈS Hear me, Aida Ethiopia has awakened, eager for fierce, new battles. Your people have already invaded, and I shall lead the Egyptians again. Then, in the midst of the triumph, kneeling before the King, I shall open my heart. You shall be my victor’s wreath; and we shall live, blessed by undying love. AIDA And do you not fear Amneris’s wrath? Her vengeance, like a thunderbolt, will strike me, my father and my people. RADAMÈS I shall defend you. AIDA It would be in vain. Yet, if you love me, there is still an escape for us. RADAMÈS What is it? AIDA To flee – RADAMÈS To flee! |
AIDA Let us flee from the scorching sun of this desert land. A new fatherland reveals itself to our love. There, in the virgin forests, fragrant with sweet flowers, we shall forget the world in blessed joy. RADAMÈS You asked me to flee with you to a foreign land? To abandon my fatherland and the altars of our gods? This land where I first plucked the flowers of glory, this land where first we loved – how can we forget it? AIDA There, in the virgin forest, etc. RADAMÈS The land where we loved, etc. AIDA Beneath my country’s freer skies it will be granted to us to love. There, in the same temples we shall worship the same gods, etc. RADAMÈS To abandon my fatherland etc. |
AIDA Let us flee – RADAMÈS (hesitating) Aida! AIDA You do not love me – go! RADAMÈS Not love you! No man, no god has ever burned with such a love! AIDA Go, go – Amneris is waiting for you at the altar – RADAMÈS No, never! AIDA Never, you say? Then the headman’s axe will fall on me, on my father – RADAMÈS Ah no! Let us flee together. Yes, let us flee, far from these walls, let us flee, together, to the desert. Here there is nothing but misfortune, there we shall find a heaven of love, the never ending desert will be our wedding-bed, the stars will shine upon us with a purer, brighter light! |
AIDA In the happy land of my fathers, heaven awaits us. There the breeze blows sweet over that perfumed land of flowers. Cool valleys and green fields will be our wedding-bed. The stars will shine upon us with a purer, brighter light! AIDA and RADAMÈS Come with me, we shall flee together, from this land of sorrow. Come with me, I love you, and love shall be our king. AIDA But tell me – how can we avoid the Egyptian legions? RADAMÈS The route by which my men will march against the enemy will be free until tomorrow. AIDA And that route is? RADAMÈS The pass of Napata. (Amonasro comes forward.) AMONASRO The pass of Napata! My men will be there! |
RADAMÈS Who has overheard us? AMONASRO Aida’s father, the King of the Ethiopians! RADAMÈS (excitedly) You – Amonasro! You – the King! O gods! What have I done? No, it cannot be, it cannot be! I dream, I am raving mad! AIDA Ah no! Be calm. Listen to me, trust my love. AMONASRO Aida’s love for you will build you a throne! RADAMÈS I am dishonoured! dishonoured! For you I have betrayed my country! AIDA Be calm! AMONASRO No! You are not guilty, it was the will of Fate. RADAMÈS I am dishonoured! |
AIDA Ah, no! RADAMÈS For you I have betrayed my country! AMONASRO No: You are not guilty. AIDA Be calm... AMONASRO Come – beyond the Nile my brave and faithful men are waiting. There, love shall fulfil the wishes of your, heart. Come! (Amneris, Ramfis, the priests and guards come out from the temple.) AMNERIS Traitor! AIDA My rival! AMONASRO (throwing himself upon Amneris with drawn dagger) You have come to defeat my plans. You shall die! RADAMÈS (coming between them) Stop, madman! |
AMONASRO Oh, fury! RAMFIS Guards, look out! RADAMÈS (to Aida and Amonasro) Quickly! flee! AMONASRO (dragging Aida) Come, my daughter. RAMFIS (to the guards) After them! RADAMÈS (to Ramfis) Priest, I am in your hands. |
libretto by Dale McAdoo |
Contents: Roles; Act One; Act Two; Act Three; Act Four |