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Das Rheingold” by Richard Wagner libretto (English)

Contents: Characters; Prelude And Scene One; Scene Two; Scene Three; Scene Four; Glossary

aught. - anything
aye. - always, forever
bondsman. - slave, servant
boot. - to profit, benefit
craven. - coward
dross. - metal
eke. - also
erewhile. - until now
erst. - before, formerly
fain. - gladly, willingly
fell. - a barren hill or highland
fly. - to flee
forswear. - to renounce, give up
guerdon. - payment, reward
hap. - to happen
hie. - to hurry
Holda. - another name for Freia
loth. - reluctant, unwilling
mete. - to give out
moil. - hard work
Nibelheim. - land where the
Nibelungs live
Nibelung, Niblung. - a race of
Norns. - daughters of Erda,
goddesses of fate
nixie. - a water spirit (the Rhine
daughters are nixies)
pile. - a large building
prate. - to talk idly
rede. - advice; story
reft. - stolen, deprived
Riesenheim. - land where the
giants live (literally, “giant
ruddy. - red
scape. - to escape
shew. - to show
sooth. - truth
stint. - to hold back, restrict
stock. - log, stump
thrall. - slave; slavery
troth. - faith
twain. - two
wanton. - flirt
wala. - an earth spirit (in the Ring
operas, “the wala” is Erda)
ware. - aware
weal. - prosperity, advantage
ween. - to imagine, believe
wot. - to know
libretto by Frederick Jameson 
Contents: Characters; Prelude And Scene One; Scene Two; Scene Three; Scene Four; Glossary
