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Die Feen” by Richard Wagner libretto (English)

Contents: Roles; Act One; Act Two; Act Three

The Fairy King - bass
Ada, a fairy - soprano
Zemina, a fairy - soprano
Farzana, a fairy - soprano
Arindal, King of Tramond - tenor
Lora, his sister - soprano
Morald, her betrothed - baritone
Gunther, a courtier from Tramond - tenor
Gernot, Arindal's friend - bass
Drolla, Lora's friend - soprano
Harald, General of Groma the magician - bass
A messenger - tenor
Voice of Groma the Magician - bass

Chorus of Fairies.
Chorus of Morald's Fellowship.
Chorus of people.
Chorus of the Warriors.
Chorus of the earth spirits.
Chorus of brazen men.
Chorus of Groma's unseen spirits

libretto by John McKenna, Feb. 2013 
Contents: Roles; Act One; Act Two; Act Three
