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“Die Zauberflöte” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart libretto (English)

Contents: Roles; Act One; Act Two |
The stage is a palm-grove; all the trees are silvery, the leaves of gold. 18 seats of leaves; on each seat there stands a pyramid and a large black horn set with gold. The largest pyramid and the largest trees are in the middle. No.9: March (Sarastro and his Priests enter in stately procession, carrying palm fronds; when they have taken their positions they sound three blasts on their trumpets. Sarastro announces that he has sponsored the initiation of Tamino into their order to strengthen it against the wicked ambitions of the Queen of the Night. The Prince’s virtue will be rewarded with the hand of the Queen’s own daughter, whom Sarastro has taken captive.) No.10: Aria with Chorus SARASTRO O Isis and Osiris, grant the spirit of wisdom to the new-formed couple! Direct the Wanderer’s steps to them, strengthen them with patience when in peril. PRIESTS Strengthen them with patience when in peril. |
SARASTRO Let them see the benefits of their trial; but if they should succumb, reward their courageous course and admit them to thy dwelling! PRIESTS Admit them to thy dwelling. (Change of scene: Night, in the court before the northern temple.) (Two Priests lead in Tamino and Papageno, still veiled, then remove their veils and go away. Papageno confesses his fears, but Tamino reproaches him for lacking courage. The two Priests return to challenge their intrusion and to test Tamino’s determination to rescue Pamina; his answers prove quite satisfactory. Papageno, if less brave, is encouraged by the promise of a wife; both men must take vows of silence, however, in the presence of their sweethearts.) No.11: Duet TWO PRIESTS Guard yourself from women’s tricks; this is the first duty of our Order. Many a wise man has been deceived, has failed and never seen his error; finding himself at last abandoned, |
his loyalty repaid with scorn! – In vain were all his efforts: death and despair were his reward. (The Priests leave. All remain in darkness until the three Ladies of the Queen of the Night appear from below, carrying torches.) No.12: Quintet LADIES What? What? Why are you in this frightful place? Never! never! never! will you escape from it alive! Tamino! your doom is sealed! Papageno, all hope for you is lost! PAPAGENO No, no, that is too much. TAMINO Papageno, be quiet! Will you break your vow never to speak with women here? PAPAGENO You heard them; we are done for! TAMINO Quiet, I say – be quiet! PAPAGENO Always quiet! Always quiet! LADIES The Queen is quite close to you, |
she has entered the temple secretly! – PAPAGENO What’s that? She’s in the Temple? TAMINO Quiet, I say – be quiet! – Are you so presumptuous as to always forget your sworn duty? – LADIES Listen, Tamino, you are lost! Think of the Queen! There are many rumours concerning the wicked ways of these priests! TAMINO (aside) A wise man seeks proof and disregards what the common rabble say. LADIES There are many rumours concerning the wicked ways of these priests! They say that whoever joins their order goes straight to Hell, lock, stock and barrel. PAPAGENO The devil they do! That’s outrageous! Tell me, Tamino, is it true? TAMINO Only idle women’s talk, but invented by deceivers. PAPAGENO Yet the Queen says the same! |
TAMINO She is a woman, with a woman’s mind! Be quiet, let my word suffice; remember your duty and be prudent. LADIES (to Tamino) Why are you so sharp with us? Papageno is silent too? – Speak! PAPAGENO Gladly I would...indeed – TAMINO Hush! PAPAGENO As you see, I may not! – TAMINO Hush! PAPAGENO I am really ashamed that I cannot give up chattering! TAMINO You should be ashamed that you cannot stop chattering! LADIES We must withdraw in shame, for no one will speak to us. TAMINO and PAPAGENO You must withdraw in shame, for no one will speak to you. |
ALL A man is strong in spirit; he considers what he may say! INITIATES (from within) The sacred threshold is defiled! Away with the women, to Hell! (thunder, lightning; simultaneous mighty thunder) LADIES Alas! Alas! PAPAGENO Alas! Alas! (The stage darkens; thunder and lightning. The three Ladies drop out of sight, and Papageno falls on the ground. The Priests return to congratulate Tamino on his first trial, and to lead the two men on to their next.) (Change of scene: a garden. ) (Pamina lies sleeping on a couch, shaded by rose bushes. Monostatos is watching her.) No.13: Aria MONOSTATOS Every creature feels the joy of love, and bill and coo and hug and kiss – but I must forego love |
because a black man is ugly! Have I not been given a heart? Am I not flesh and blood? To live forever without a wife would really be like hellfire. So, because I live, I will bill and coo, kiss, be tender! – Dear, good moon, forgive me: a white skin has seduced me! White is beautiful, I must kiss her: therefore, moon, hide your face from me! – If this upsets you too much, then close your eyes. (He steals forward towards Pamina. Thunder and lightning: the Queen of the Night appears, and Monostatos withdraws to observe her. The Queen offers her daughter a dagger with which she must kill Sarastro.) No.14: Aria QUEEN Hell’s vengeance seethes in my heart; the flames of death and despair engulf me! If Sarastro dies not by your hand, you will be my daughter no more. Forever repudiated, forever abandoned, forever destroyed be all the ties of nature if Sarastro’s blood is not shed by your hand! – Hear, hear, hear me, ye gods of vengeance – hear! – a mother’s vow! – (She disappears; more thunder. Monostatos returns and snatches the dagger from the stunned Pamina. If she will love him, he says, he will save her life. She refuses, and Monostatos is about to stab her when Sarastro appears, stops him and sends him away. The Moor rushes off to join with the Queen of the Night in subverting Sarastro’s order. Pamina begs Sarastro not to punish her mother, but Sarastro replies that he must have his own form of revenge.) |
No.15: Aria SARASTRO Within these sacred halls revenge has no place! And if a man should fall, Love leads him back to duty. Then, hand in hand with a friend, he goes, content and happy, to a better land. Within these sacred walls, where each man loves his neighbour – no traitor can lurk, for enemies are forgiven. If one delights not in this teaching, he is unworthy of the name of Man. (The stage is transformed into a hall.) (Tamino and Papageno, without veils, are led in by the two priests, commanded to keep silent and then left alone. An ugly old woman – Papagena in disguise – hobbles in and chats with Papageno, telling him that she is eighteen years old and that she has a sweetheart named Papageno. Just as she is about to reveal her name, a loud peal of thunder sends her hobbling off. The three Boys bring in the magic flute and bells.) |
No.16: Terzetto THE BOYS Welcome for the second time, you mortals, in Sarastro’s realm! – He sends you what was taken from you, your flute and your chime of bells. (A table with food and drink rises from the ground.) If you do not scorn food, then eat and drink of it with pleasure! – When we meet for the third time, joy will reward your courage! Tamino, take heart! – Your goal is near! You, Papageno, keep quiet! – (They give the magic instruments to Tamino and Papageno, and withdraw. Papageno is eating and Tamino playing on his flute when Pamina enters, drawn by the sound. Recognising her lover, she questions him, but he holds to his vow of silence and motions her away. Even Papageno is silent, for his mouth is full.) No.17: Aria PAMINA Ah, I feel that the joy of love has gone for evermore! – Never will happiness return to my heart! See, Tamino, see these tears |
that flow, beloved, for you alone. If you do not feel love’s yearning – I must seek peace in the grave! – (She goes out slowly and sadly. Papageno and Tamino hear trumpets calling them onward; the bird-catcher is forcibly led away by his master.) (Change of scene: The interior of a pyramid.) (The Priests march in, led by Sarastro.) No.18: Chorus of Priests CHORUS O Isis and Osiris! What delight! The dark night retreats from the light of the sun! – Soon will the noble youth experience a new life, soon will he be wholly dedicated to our Order. His spirit is bold, his heart is pure, soon will he be worthy of us. (Tamino is brought in, and Sarastro commends him on his steadfastness. Pamina too is led in and unveiled, but then commanded to bid Tamino a last farewell.) |
No.19: Terzetto PAMINA Shall I, beloved, never see you again? – SARASTRO There will be a happy reunion! – PAMINA Deadly dangers await you! TAMINO The Gods will protect me! PAMINA Deadly dangers await you! – TAMINO The Gods will protect me! SARASTRO The Gods will protect him! PAMINA You will not escape death, I have a premonition. TAMINO The will of the Gods be done, their prompting shall be my law! SARASTRO The will of the Gods be done their prompting shall be his law. PAMINA Oh, if you loved as I love you, you would not be so calm. |
TAMINO Believe me, I share your desire, and will be forever true. SARASTRO Believe me, he shares your desire, and will be forever true. The hour has come for you to part! PAMINA and TAMINO How bitter separation is! SARASTRO Tamino must go on his way! The hour has come for you to part, Tamino must go on his way! He must go on his way! TAMINO Pamina, now I must be on my way! How bitter separation is! Pamina, now I must be on my way! I must be on my way! PAMINA Tamino must really be on his way! Tamino! Tamino! must you go? TAMINO Pamina! farewell! PAMINA Tamino! farewell! SARASTRO Hasten on, your vow summons you! The time has come; we shall meet again! |
PAMINA and TAMINO Ah, sweet contentment, return! Farewell! (Two Priests lead Pamina away. Sarastro leads off Tamino in the opposite direction, and the other Priests follow them. Darkness. Papageno enters and finds himself locked in the chamber by walls of flame. He wishes nothing more than a cup of wine, he tells his unseen guardians, but when that appears and he drinks it, he is suddenly overcome by new emotions in his heart. He opens the bells and plays during the following.) No.20: Aria PAPAGENO A sweet heart or a wife is what Papageno wants! Oh, a soft little dove would be bliss! Then food and drink would be pleasant, and I could match wits with a prince, enjoy life as much as a sage and think myself in Heaven! A sweetheart, etc. Ah, can I not please even one of all the charming girls in the world? One must come to my aid, or else I shall surely die of grief. A sweetheart, etc. |
If none will offer to love me, the flames of desire will consume me; but if I am kissed by a woman – I shall be happy once more. (The old woman dances in, supporting herself with a walking stick. She tells Papageno that he must accept her or die alone, and he agrees to be faithful to her. The disguise falls and Papagena is revealed in her true form, feathered exactly like Papageno. But she is led away by the Speaker, for he has not yet proved himself worthy of her.) (Change of scene: a small garden among palm trees, shortly before dawn.) (The three boys watch over Pamina from a distance.) No.21: Finale THE BOYS The sun, the splendid herald of the morn, will soon set off upon his golden course – soon will doubts disappear, soon the wise man will triumph! – O sweet contentment, descend upon us, return to human hearts; then earth shall be a paradise and mortals be like Gods. |
FIRST BOY But see, Pamina is troubled by some doubt! – SECOND and THIRD BOYS Where is she now? FIRST BOY She is bereft of reason! – THE BOYS The sorrow of rejected love torments her. Let’s try to comfort the poor girl! – Truly, her fate is close to our hearts! – Oh, if only her young man were here! – She’s coming; let’s hide and see what she intends to do. (Pamina, half out of her senses, comes in with a dagger.) PAMINA You will, then, be my bridegroom – With you I shall end my grief! – THE BOYS (aside) What did those sinister words portend? – The poor girl is close to madness! – PAMINA Patience, beloved, I am yours – and soon we shall be wed! THE BOYS Madness rages in her brain – suicide is writ in her face – (to Pamina) Dear maiden, look at us! |
PAMINA I mean to die – for the man, whom I could never, never hate, was able to leave his dear one! – (showing them the dagger) My mother gave me this – THE BOYS God will punish your suicide! – PAMINA Better to die by this dagger then be ruined by love’s sorrow. – Mother! because of you I suffer, and your curse pursues me! THE BOYS Maiden, will you come with us? PAMINA Ha! The measure of my pain is full! False youth, farewell! See, Pamina dies because of you! (attempting to stab herself) Let this dagger kill me! – THE BOYS (restraining her arm) Ha! Unhappy girl, forbear! Should your young man see this, he would die of grief, for he loves only you. – |
PAMINA (recovering) What? Did he return my love yet hide his feelings from me – and turn away his face? Why did he not speak to me? – THE BOYS We may not tell you, but we will show him to you, and you will see with wonder that his heart is wholly yours, and that he would risk death for you! Come, let’s go find him. PAMINA Lead on, for I must see him. ALL Two hearts aflame with love can never be parted by human weakness. – Their enemies strive in vain, for the Gods themselves protect them. (They all leave.) (The scene is transformed into two large mountains; one with a thundering waterfall, the other belching out fire; each mountain has an open grid, through which fire and water may be seen; where the fire burns the horizon is coloured brightly red, and where the water is there lies a black fog. The wings represent rocks, each with a closed, iron door. ) (Tamino is lightly clad, without sandals. Two men in black amour lead Tamino in. Fire burns on their helmets; they read him the transparent words inscribed on one of the pyramids. This stands centre-stage, raised high, close to the grid.) |
ARMED MEN (Their melody is that of the choral tune `Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh’ darein', set to Luther’s versification of the 12th Psalm. Luther’s poem was the basis for the text for Bach’s Cantata BWV2.) He who travels these laborious paths will be purified by fire, water, air and earth. If he overcomes his fear of death, he will raise himself from earth, soar heavenwards! in the light of this higher level he can dedicate himself wholly to Isis’s mysteries. TAMINO I fear not to face death like a man, nor to tread the path of duty! – Unlock the gates of fear – I gladly dare the perilous road! – (He is about to leave.) PAMINA (from within) Tamino, Stop! I must see you! TAMINO What was that? Pamina’s voice? – ARMED MEN Yes, yes, that is Pamina’s voice! – |
TAMINO What happiness, now she can go with me! Now no fate can part us ever again even though death should be our lot. ARMED MEN What happiness, now she can go with you! Now no fate can ever part you again, even though death should be your lot. TAMINO Have I permission to speak to her? – ARMED MEN You have permission to speak to her! TAMINO What joy to meet again and enter the temple happily, hand in hand. A woman who does not fear darkness and death is worthy and will be made initiate. ARMED MEN What joy to meet again and enter the temple happily, hand in hand. A woman who does not fear darkness and death is worthy and will be made initiate. (The door is opened, Tamino and Pamina embrace.) PAMINA My Tamino! Oh, what happiness! TAMINO My Pamina! Oh, what happiness! Here are the gates of fear, that threaten me with danger and with death. |
PAMINA Wherever you go, I shall be at your side. – I myself shall lead you – Love is my guide – (takes him by the hand) She will strew the way with roses, for roses are always found with thorns. Play on your magic flute; it will protect us on our way. In a magic hour, my father cut it from the deepest roots of a thousand-year-old oak amid thunder, lightning – storm and rain. – Come, now, and play the flute! It will guide us on the dread path. PAMINA and TAMINO We walk, by the power of music, in joy through death’s dark night. ARMED MEN You walk, by the power of music, in joy through death’s dark night. (The doors are closed behind them; Tamino and Pamina are seen making their way. Tamino plays on his flute. As soon as they have emerged from the fire they embrace one another and remain at the centre of the stage.) PAMINA and TAMINO We passed through the glowing fire and bravely faced the danger. May your music protect us in the flood as it did in the fire. |
(Tamino plays; they are seen making their way down and after a time coming up again; immediately a door opens; the entrance to a brightly lit temple is revealed.) PAMINA and TAMINO Ye Gods, what a joyful moment! The joy of Isis is accorded to us! – ATTENDANTS and PRIESTS (from within) Victory, victory, victory, o noble pair, You have overcome the danger! Isis’s rites are now yours! Come, come, enter the Temple. (The scene changes back to the previous garden.) PAPAGENO Papagena! Papagena! Papagena! (playing his pipes) Little wife! my dove! my beauty! – In vain! Ah, she is lost! I was born to be unlucky! – I chattered, and that was naughty, so I got what I deserved! – Ever since I tasted that wine – ever since I saw that pretty girl, my heart has been burning and it pinches me here and there! Papagena! Wife of my bosom! Papagena, dearest dove! It is in vain, all useless! I am weary of life! |
Death puts an end to love when it burns your heart like this. (takes a rope from around his waist) I shall ornament this tree by hanging myself from it because my life has gone all wrong. Goodnight, deceiving world! – You treated me badly and denied me a pretty mate, so it is all over, so I shall die. Pretty maiden, think of me! – If someone takes pity on me, poor wretch, before I hang myself – I will let it go this time! Speak up: yes, or no! – No one hears me; all is silent! So this, then, is your decision! Papageno, get on with it and end your weary life. I’ll wait a little longer – while I count: one, two, three! (He pipes, looking around him.) one! two! three! Well, that’s it, then! As no one holds me back, good night, deceiving world! (He is about to hang himself.) THE BOYS (flying down) Stop, Papageno, and be wise! You only live once, let that suffice! PAPAGENO Well may you counsel, well may you laugh; but if your hearts were burning like mine, you too would be looking for girls. |
THE BOYS Then play your bells; they will bring your mate along. PAPAGENO What a fool I am I forgot the magic instrument! (takes out his instrument) Resound, magic bells, resound, I must see my darling girl! (The boys run to their flying-gondola and bring out the woman.) Ring, little bells, ring, send my sweetheart here to me! Ring, little bells, ring, bring my mate here! Ring, little bells, ring, bring my little wife here! Bring her here! my sweetheart, my little wife! THE BOYS Hey! Papageno, look over here! (They fly up. Papageno looks around.) PAPAGENO Pa-pa-ge-na! PAPAGENA Pa-pa-ge-no! PAPAGENO Do you pledge yourself to me? – |
PAPAGENA Yes, I pledge myself to you! PAPAGENO So, now you’re my little dear wife! PAPAGENA So, now you’re my heart’s little dove! BOTH How happy we will be if the Gods are gracious and bless our love with children, with darling little children! PAPAGENO First a little Papageno! PAPAGENA Then a little Papagena! PAPAGENO Then another Papageno! PAPAGENA Then another Papagena! PAPAGENO Papageno! PAPAGENA Papagena! |
BOTH The greatest joy of all will be when many Papagenas/Papagenos bless their parents! (They leave. The Moor, and the Queen with her three Ladies enter from the two trap doors. They carry black torches in their hands.) MONOSTATOS Now softly! softly! softly! soon we will be within the Temple! QUEEN and LADIES Now softly! softly! softly! soon we will be within the Temple! MONOSTATOS But Lady, keep your promise! that your child shall be my wife! – QUEEN I shall keep my word, it is my will, my child shall be your wife! LADIES Her child shall be your wife! (Muffled thunder and the sound of rushing water are heard.) MONOSTATOS But hush, I hear a fearful rushing noise, like rolling thunder and cascading water. – QUEEN and LADIES Yes, that rushing noise is terrifying, like the distant echo of thunder! – |
MONOSTATOS They are in the hall of the Temple. ALL We will attack them there, stamp out the bigots from the earth with fierce fire and mighty sword! MONOSTATOS and LADIES (kneeling) To see, great Queen of the Night, our revenge shall be brought as an offering! (thunder, lightning, storm) ALL Our power is shattered, we are all cast down into eternal night! (They sink into the ground.) (The entire stage is immediately transformed into a sun. Sarastro stands elevated; Tamino and Pamina are both in priestly raiment. The Egyptian priests stand either side of them. The three boys are holding flowers.) SARASTRO The rays of the sun chase night away; the hypocrite’s surreptitious power is utterly destroyed! CHORUS Hail to the initiates! You have penetrated the darkness! Thanks be to thee-, Osiris! Thanks to thee, Isis! Fortitude is victorious, and, in reward, crowns Beauty and Wisdom with its eternal diadem! English translation © Capitol Records Inc. |
Contents: Roles; Act One; Act Two |