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“La traviata” by Giuseppe Verdi libretto (English)

Contents: Roles; Act One; Act Two; Act Three |
A drawing room in Violetta's home. In the background a door, opening to another room. There are two other lateral doors; to the left, a fireplace with a mirror over the mantel. In the centre of the room, a huge table richly laden. (Violetta is seated on a sofa, talking with Dr Grenvil and other friends. Some of her friends go to greet various guests as they arrive. Among them, the Baron and Flora, escorted by the Marquis.) CHORUS I You were invited for an earlier hour. You have come late. CHORUS II We were playing cards at Flora's, and the time passed quickly. VIOLETTA (going to greet them) Flora, my friends, the rest of the evening will be gayer because you are here. Surely the evening is livelier with good food and drink? FLORA, MARQUIS And can you be lively? |
VIOLETTA I must be. I give myself to pleasure, since pleasure is the best medicine for my ills. ALL Indeed, life is doubly heightened by pleasure. (The Viscount Gastone de Letorières enters with Alfredo Germont. Servants are busily engaged at the table.) GASTONE My dear Madam, in Alfredo Germont I present a man who greatly admires you; few friends are so fine as he. VIOLETTA (She offers her hand to Alfredo, who kisses it.) My dear Viscount, thank you for this gift. MARQUIS My dear Alfredo - ALFREDO Marquis - (They shake hands.) GASTONE (to Alfredo) As I told you, here friendship joins with pleasure. (Meanwhile the servants have finished setting the table.) VIOLETTA Is everything ready? (A servant nods in affirmation.) |
Please be seated: it is at table that the heart is gayest. ALL Well spoken - secret cares fly before that great friend, wine. (They take their places at the table. Violetta is seated between Alfredo and Gastone. Facing her Flora takes her place between the Marquis and the Baron. The remaining guests take their various places around the table. A moment of silence as the food is served. Violetta and Gastone are whispering to each other.) It is at table that the heart is gayest. GASTONE Alfredo thinks of you always. VIOLETTA You are joking? GASTONE While you were ill, every day he called to ask about you. VIOLETTA Don't talk like that. I am nothing to him. GASTONE I do not deceive you. VIOLETTA It is true then? But why? I don't understand. |
ALFREDO Yes, it is true. VIOLETTA I thank you. You, Baron, were less attentive. BARON I have only known you for a year. VIOLETTA And he for just a few minutes. FLORA (in a low voice, to the Baron) It would have been better to say nothing. BARON (softly, to Flora) I don't like this young man. FLORA Why not? I think he's very pleasant. GASTONE (to Alfredo) And you have nothing more to say? MARQUIS (to Violetta) It's up to you to make him talk. VIOLETTA I shall be Hebe, the cup-bearer. ALFREDO And, like her, immortal, I hope. |
ALL Let us drink. GASTONE Baron - can't you find a toast for this happy occasion? (The Baron shakes his head.) Then it's up to you - (nodding to Alfredo) ALL Yes, yes, a toast. ALFREDO Inspiration fails me. GASTONE But aren't you a master? ALFREDO (to Violetta) Would it please you? VIOLETTA Yes. ALFREDO (rising) Yes? I have it already in my heart. MARQUIS Then - attention! ALL Yes, to the poet. |
ALFREDO Drink from the joyful glass, resplendent with beauty, drink to the spirit of pleasure which enchants the fleeting moment. Drink to the thrilling sweetness brought to us by love, for these fair eyes, irresistibly, (indicating Violetta) pierce us to the heart. Drink - for wine will warm the kisses of love. ALL Drink - for wine will warm the kisses of love. VIOLETTA (rising) I shall divide my gaiety among you all; Everything in life is folly, except for pleasure. Let us be joyful, for love is a fleeting and short-lived joy. A flower which blossoms and fades, whose beauty is soon lost forever. Be joyful - a caressing voice invites us warmly to joy. ALL Ah! Be carefree - for wine and song with laughter, embellish the night. The new day breaking will find us still in this happy paradise. |
VIOLETTA (to Alfredo) Life is only pleasure. ALFREDO (to Violetta) For those who don't know love. VIOLETTA Speak not of love to one who knows not what it is. ALFREDO Such is my destiny. ALL Be carefree - for wine and song with laughter, embellish the night. The next day breaking will find us still in this happy paradise. (The sound of music is heard, coming from an adjoining room.) What is that? VIOLETTA Wouldn't you like to dance now? ALL How kind of you! We accept with pleasure. VIOLETTA Let us go, then. (As they are going out through the centre door, Violetta suddenly turns pale.) Oh! ALL What is the matter? |
VIOLETTA Nothing, it is nothing. ALL Why have you stopped here? VIOLETTA Let us go out. (She takes a few steps, but then is forced to stop again and to sit down.) Oh God! ALL Again! ALFREDO Are you ill? ALL Heavens, what can it be? VIOLETTA It's just a chill. Go on - please - there. (She points towards the other room.) In just a few minutes I shall come - ALL As you wish. (All except Alfredo go into the other room.) VIOLETTA (looking into a mirror) How pale I am! |
(turning she sees Alfredo) You are here! ALFREDO Are you feeling better now? VIOLETTA Yes, better, thank you. ALFREDO Ah, this way you will kill yourself - you must take care of yourself - VIOLETTA But can I? ALFREDO If you were mine, I should watch over you. VIOLETTA What are you saying? Is there anyone to care for me? ALFREDO (passionately) That's because no one in the world loves you - VIOLETTA No one? ALFREDO Except me. |
VIOLETTA It's true! I had forgotten this great love. ALFREDO You laugh? Have you no heart? VIOLETTA A heart? yes, perhaps - but why do you ask? ALFREDO Ah, if that were so, then you couldn't laugh at me. VIOLETTA Are you serious? ALFREDO I do not deceive you. VIOLETTA Have you been in love with me for long? ALFREDO Yes, for a year. One day you passed before me, happy and light as air, and ever since that day, even without knowing it, I loved you - with that love which is the very breath of the universe itself - mysterious and noble, both cross and ecstasy of the heart. |
VIOLETTA Ah, if this is true, then leave me - I offer you only friendship: I cannot love, nor can I accept so heroic a love from you. I am simple and frank. You must find another. It won't be hard, then, for you to forget me. ALFREDO Love mysterious and noble, both cross and ecstasy of the heart. VIOLETTA It won't be hard, then, for you to forget me. GASTONE (in the doorway) Well, now? What the devil are you doing? VIOLETTA We were joking. GASTONE Aha! Good! Please stay. (He withdraws.) VIOLETTA Then - no more love. Do you accept the pact? ALFREDO I obey. I shall leave you. |
VIOLETTA (taking a flower from her bosom) It's like that, then? Take this flower. ALFREDO Why? VIOLETTA You shall bring it back - ALFREDO When? VIOLETTA When it has withered. ALFREDO Oh Heavens! Tomorrow. VIOLETTA Good, tomorrow. ALFREDO (joyously accepting the flower) I am happy! VIOLETTA Do you still think you love me? ALFREDO (about to leave) Oh, how much I love you! VIOLETTA You are leaving? |
ALFREDO (coming near her, kissing her hand) I am leaving. VIOLETTA Goodbye. ALFREDO I desire nothing more. ALFREDO, VIOLETTA Goodbye. Goodbye. (Alfredo goes out as the other guests return to the drawing room, flushed from dancing.) ALL Dawn is breaking in the sky and we must leave. Thank you, gentle lady, for this delightful evening. The city is filled with parties, the season of pleasure is at its height. We shall sleep now, to regain our strength for another night of joy. (They go out.) VIOLETTA (alone) How strange! How strange! His words are burned upon my heart! Would a real love be a tragedy for me? What decision are you taking, oh my soul? No man has ever made me fall in love. What joy, such as I have never known - loving, being loved! And can I scorn it for the arid nonsense of my present life? |
Ah, perhaps he is the one whom my soul, lonely in the tumult, loved to imagine in secrecy! Watchful though I never knew it, he came here while I lay sick, awakening a new fever, the fever of love, of love which is the very breath of the universe itself - Mysterious and noble, both cross and ecstasy of the heart. Folly! All is folly! This is mad delirium! A poor woman, alone, lost in this crowded desert which is known to men as Paris. What can I hope for? What should I do? Revel in the whirlpool of earthly pleasures. Revel in joy! Ah! Forever free, I must pass madly from joy to joy. My life's course shall be forever in the paths of pleasure. Whether it be dawn or dusk, I must always live. Ah! Gaily in the world's gay places, ever seeking newer joys. ALFREDO (outdoors, under the balcony) Love is the very breath... VIOLETTA Oh! |
ALFREDO ...of the universe itself - VIOLETTA Love. ALFREDO Mysterious and noble, both cross and ecstasy, cross and ecstasy of the heart. VIOLETTA Folly! Folly! Ah yes! From joy to joy, forever free, I must pass madly from joy to joy. My life's course shall be forever in the paths of pleasure. Whether it be dawn or dusk, I must always live. Ah! Gaily in the world's gay places, ever seeking newer joys, etc. ALFREDO Love is the very breath of the universe itself. VIOLETTA Oh! My thoughts have to seek new joys. Oh! My thoughts. My thoughts. |
Contents: Roles; Act One; Act Two; Act Three |