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“Lucia di Lammermoor” by Gaetano Donizetti libretto (English)

Contents: Roles; Act One; Act Two; Act Three |
Scene 1 The great hall of the castle (Wedding festivities are in progress. The sounds of merry dance music emanate from adjoining rooms. Pages and inhabitants of the Castle of Lammermoor fill the rear of the scene. Still others, ladies and knights, join the happy throng which now launches into song. CHORUS Let us raise our voices in wild jubilation, to rouse Scotland from shore to shore and warn our perfidious enemies that fortune smiles on us again. We are happier and more fearsome, favoured by a powerful protector, and warn our perfidious enemies, etc. |
RAIMONDO (out of breath, advancing with uncertain steps) Ah!... Stay, cease your revels! CHORUS You are pale as death! RAIMONDO For pity's sake, cease! CHORUS Oh, heaven! What has happened? RAIMONDO A tragic event! CHORUS You freeze us with terror! RAIMONDO Ah!... (beckoning to the others to gather round him) From the apartments where I had left Lucia with her husband, came a moan, a cry, as from a man in his death-throes! I ran into the room. Oh, what a terrible calamity! Arturo was lying on the floor, mute, cold, covered with blood! And Lucia was clutching a dagger which belonged to the murdered man! |
She fixed her eyes on me. "Where is my husband?" she asked me, and a smile flitted across her pallid face! Unhappy girl! She had lost her reason. Unhappy girl! She had lost, etc. Ah! CHORUS Oh, what a tragedy! A numb terror paralyses us all! O night, shroud the cruel mishap with your dense, sombre veil. RAIMONDO and CHORUS Ah, may that blood-smirched hand not bring upon us Heaven's wrath. RAIMONDO She fixed her eyes on me and clutched the dagger! CHORUS And she still clutched the dagger! RAIMONDO and CHORUS Ah, may the blood-smirched hand not bring upon us Heaven's wrath, etc. (Lucia enters, garbed simply in white, her hair dishevelled, a pallor of death on her face, giving her a ghostly appearance. Her stony stare, convulsive movements and bitter smile disclose not only a violent insanity, but also that death for her is imminent.) |
RAIMONDO Here she comes! CHORUS Oh, merciful Heaven! She looks as if she has risen from the grave! LUCIA I was stirred by the sweet sound of his voice! Ah, that voice won this heart of mine! Edgardo, I am yours again, Edgardo, ah, my Edgardo! Yes, I am yours again, I escaped from your enemies. An icy shiver creeps in my bosom. Every nerve quivers! My step falters! Sit with me a while near the fountain. Alas! The terrible spectre rises and parts us! Alas! Alas! Edgardo! Edgardo! Ah! The spectre...parts us! Here let us hide, Edgardo, at the foot of the altar. it is strewn with roses! Celestial harmony, do you not hear it? Ah, strains of our wedding-hymn! The ceremony awaits usL.Oh, how happy I am! Edgardo, Edgardo, how happy I am! Oh, joy that I feel but cannot express! The incense is burning - the sacred torches are glowing all around! Here is the minister! Give me your hand...Oh, happy day! At last I am yours, at last you are mine, God has given you to me. |
NORMANNO, RAIMONDO and CHORUS What a cruel plight! Take pity on her, Lord. LUCIA Every rare pleasure I shall share with you. Life for us will be a gentle smile from heaven. (Enrico enters.) Shed bitter tears on my earthly garment, while in Heaven above I will pray for you. Only when you join me, will Heaven be blissful for me, ah yes, for me, etc. RAIMONDO and CHORUS It is impossible to hold back the tears, etc. ENRICO Remorse will bring me days of bitter weeping, etc. LUCIA Ah! shed bitter tears, etc. |
Scene 2 Cemetery of Ravenswood Castle (Tombs of the Ravenswood family. It is night EDGARDO Tombs of my fathers, last son of an unhappy race, receive me, I implore you. My anger's brief fire is quenched...I will fall on my foe's sword. For me, life is a horrible burden! The whole universe is a desert for me without Lucia! Yet the castle gleams with torches...Ah, the night was too short for the revels! Heartless jade! While I pine away in hopeless tears, you laugh and gloat by your happy consort's side! You amid joys, I near to death! Soon this neglected tomb will give me refuge. A compassionate tear will not fall upon it...ah! Alas, for wretched me not even the solace of the dead. You too, forget that despised marble tombstone! Never visit it, o cruel one, by your husband's side. Ah, respect at least the ashes of him who dies for you, etc. Never visit it, forget it exists, respect at least the one who died for you, etc. Oh, cruel one! Respect, etc. |
(A train of mourners comes from Lammermoor Castle.) CHORUS Oh, poor creature! Oh, horrible fate! It is useless to hope, now! She will never see the close of this dawning day. EDGARDO Great heaven, tell me, tell, ah! CHORUS Oh poor creature! EDGARDO Whom do you mourn? Answer, answer, for pity's sake. CHORUS Lucia. EDGARDO Lucia, you said? CHORUS Poor creature... EDGARDO Come, tell me. CHORUS Yes, the poor girl is dying. |
EDGARDO Ah! CHORUS The marriage was a tragic blow for her, love robbed her of her reason. She is near her last hour, and moans and asks for you. EDGARDO Ah, Lucia is dying! Lucia, ah! CHORUS She will never see the close of this dawning day! love robbed her of her reason, etc. EDGARDO Will my Lucia never see the close of this dawning day? CHORUS Love for you, etc. EDGARDO Ah! CHORUS The death-knell is tolling already. EDGARDO That sound pierces my heart! My fate is sealed! |
CHORUS Oh, God! EDGARDO I must see her again. CHORUS What madness, rash man, ah, stay, ah, return to sanity! EDGARDO See her again and then... (Raimondo enters.) RAIMONDO Where are you hurrying, wretched man? She is no longer on earth. EDGARDO Lucia! RAIMONDO Unhappy man! EDGARDO She is no longer on earth? Then she... RAIMONDO Is in Heaven. EDGARDO Lucia is no more! CHORUS Unhappy man! Unhappy man! |
EDGARDO You who spread your wings to Heaven, o sweet loving heart, look down on me serenely, and let your true love soar up to join you. Ah, though mortal's fury so cruelly assailed us, though we were parted on earth, may God unite us in Heaven, O sweet, loving heart, may God unite us, etc. (drawing his dagger) I will follow you... RAIMONDO Madman! Madman! RAIMONDO and CHORUS Ah, what are you doing? EDGARDO I want to die! RAIMONDO and CHORUS Come to your senses. EDGARDO No, no, no! (He stabs himself.) RAIMONDO and CHORUS Ah! RAIMONDO What have you done? |
EDGARDO I come to you... o dear heart... RAIMONDO Wretched man! EDGARDO ...look down, ah, on your true love. RAIMONDO Think of Heaven. EDGARDO Ah, if mortal's fury... MOURNERS Oh, horror! oh, horror! EDGARDO ...so cruel a war. O dear heart, may we be united by God in Heaven, o sweet loving heart, etc. May we be united by God in Heaven! RAIMONDO Oh God, forgive... Think of Heaven... God, forgive, such a horrible deed. CHORUS Oh terrible, oh black fate! God, forgive such a horrible deed. (All kneel. Edgardo dies.) |
libretto by Gwyn Morris |
Contents: Roles; Act One; Act Two; Act Three |